What's new in June 2024?

8x8 Contact Center introduces the following enhancements and fixes in June.

Enhancements in 8x8 Analytics for Contact Center

We have introduced support for the End-of-Life (EOL) initiative of Customer Experience Analytics Solution. With our latest release for 8x8 Analytics for Contact Center, we’re excited to share that core features i.e. call flow and IVR journey, repeated interactions, dominant script paths, and digital channels reports from Customer Experience Analytics are now available in 8x8 Analytics for Contact Center. To learn more, see What's new in 8x8 Analytics for Contact Center 2.10 release.

Enhancements in 8x8 Agent Workspace

8x8 Agent Workspace has introduced the following enhancements recently:

  • Add queues to favorites: When on transfer view and hovering over a queue, the favorite icon (star icon) will appear, allowing agents to add or remove a queue from favorites effortlessly to ensure quick and easy access to the preferred queues.
  • MAQ metric update: On My assigned queues (MAQ), the agents' icon metric now shows Enabled and logged-in agents in a specific queue, instead of just enabled agents, for clearer visibility on a queue state.
  • Chat with MS Teams users: Agents can seamlessly seek guidance to resolve complex issues and handle exceptional scenarios more effectively by initiating a chat with colleagues in Microsoft Teams directly from 8x8 Agent Workspace. For more details on enabling the functionality in Beta, please contact your Account Manager.

To learn more, see What's new for 8x8 Contact Center agents.

Enhancements in 8x8 Supervisor Workspace

8x8 Supervisor Workspace has introduced the following enhancements recently:

  • AI summarization in the Interaction Retrieval Widget for Contact Center interactions
    • The AI summarization feature, now in Pilot, offers concise summaries of agent-customer interactions, enriched with sentiment analysis, key topics, and interaction metrics.
    • The Interaction summary can be accessed via the View Summary button in the widget interaction list or from the Full Details page, providing valuable insights for supervisors to enhance operational performance.
    • If you have a Speech Analytics license and want to join the Pilot program, please contact us at [email protected] and our team will share additional details. Please note that spaces are limited, but we will try to include as many participants as possible.
  • Additional metrics are available for Agents and Queues tables inside the Edit columns section. To learn more, see Configure agents table and Configure queues table.
  • Supervisors can resize the Agents and Queues tables, enabling better visibility of agent and queue metrics in the workspace. Having the two tables side by side is now possible. To learn more, see Resize agents and queues tables.

Enhancement to the Say object in IVR

We are increasing the character limit in the Text to Play from 210 to 1250, allowing for longer, seamless phrases in a single entry.

To further enhance usability, we’re enlarging the text box and adding a character counter, making it easier to manage your inputs. To learn more, What's new for admins in 8x8 Contact Center.

Bug Fixes

Bug Description
VCC-80298 In Cases/Search/Advanced Search the check boxes are not complete.
VCC-80337 Advanced Search drop-down doesn't display the whole text.
VCC-80715 Any French language Admins will see all channels as Enabled = Yes.
VCC-80872 Predefined field customer type doesn't recognize any value when trying to insert contacts through the CM csv insert.
VCC-80909 Case drop-down doesn't display the whole text.
VCC-81095 Outbound calls are playing the notification sound 3 times after the 8x8 Agent Workspace release.

Important Notifications

  • Product End-of-Life
    • Customer Experience
      • We recommend you complete the transition towards Analytics for Contact Center as soon as possible. Customer Experience Analytics no longer displays data generated for several core features (i.e. Recent Calls metrics, Visual Customer Journey, IVR Report with the Dominant Paths, Digital Channels) post the release in the production environment of the 8x8 Analytics for Contact Center 2.10 version finalized on the 20th of June 2024.
      • Historical data will continue to be available in Customer Experience Analytics, including Post-Call Survey Analytics data. Please refer to the FAQ, the migration guide and the What’s new documentation for more details on the transition.
  • Check our Network Best Practices for any updates as well as our Network Devices for updates on your applicable firewalls/devices.

What's new in May 2024?

8x8 Contact Center introduces the following enhancements and fixes in May.

What's new in March 2024?

8x8 Contact Center introduces the following features in March.

What's new in January 2024?

8x8 Contact Center introduces the following features in January 2024.