Manage queues

With 8x8 Supervisor Workspace, you can view metrics for each monitored queue in the Queues table. They include:

  • Media: The media type associated with a queue is displayed. You can sort by the most important queue by clicking the Media column header. For example, you can display phone queues at the top of the list to help you closely monitor phone-related metrics.
  • Waiting: The number of interactions waiting in a queue is displayed. As a supervisor, you can take action on any queue with many interactions waiting to be answered. You can assign additional agents to a particular queue, in an effort to help with service levels. Click the column header to sort queues by the most or least number of pending interactions.
  • Eligible: The number of agents eligible to receive interactions is displayed. As a supervisor, you can see the number of agents you have available. If there are too many interactions waiting to be handled in a particular queue, you can assign some of these eligible agents to that queue. Click the column header to sort by the queue with the most or least number of available agents.
  • Busy: The number of agents currently handling interactions is displayed. Click the column header to sort queues by the most or least number of agents currently handling interactions.
  • Accepted:The total number of interactions accepted by agents for each queue is displayed. Click the column header to sort queues by the most or least number of agents that have accepted interactions.
  • Abandoned: The number of abandoned interactions is displayed. Click the column header to sort queues by the most or least number of abandoned interactions. As a supervisor, you can take action if you notice that too many interactions are being abandoned.
  • Avg. wait: The average wait time for an interaction is displayed. Click the column header to sort queues by the longest or shortest average wait time. You can add available agents to queues with long wait times in order to help meet your service levels.
  • Longest wait: The longest wait time for an interaction in a queue is displayed. Click the column header to sort queues by the longest or shortest wait time. You can add available agents to queues with interactions that are waiting to be handled.
  • SLA %: The current service level for a queue is displayed. As a supervisor, you can determine how well queues are performing, and whether they are meeting their SLA targets. Click the column header to sort queues by the highest or lowest service level.
  • Enabled: The number of agents logged in, assigned, and enabled for the queue.

Note: To manage queues in 8x8 Supervisor Workspace, ensure your administrator has assigned you with the required supervisor permissions in 8x8 Configuration Manager. To learn more, see grant supervisor rights.

As a supervisor, you can export the Queues table as a PNG file by clicking . You also have access to additional features, such as adding a queue as a favorite. To learn more, see queues table features.

The following table lists and describes some of the data displayed:


Field Description
Queues Lists all the queues being monitored
Media Lists the media type associated with each queue.
Waiting The number of interactions waiting to be processed in a queue.
Eligible The number of agents enabled to receive interactions.
Busy The number of agents whose status is set to Busy.
Accepted The number of interactions answered by agents.
Abandoned The number of interactions not answered by agents.
Average Wait The average wait time for an interaction before being processed.
Longest Wait The longest wait time for an interaction before being processed.
SLA % The current service level for a queue.
Enabled The number of agents logged in, assigned, and enabled for the queue.
Available idle The number of agents enabled, assigned, and in the Available state (idle waiting).
SLA Target % The target percentage of interactions that meet the SLA. This metric doesn't apply to Outbound Phone Queues.

As a supervisor, you can select a queue as a favorite from the Queues table. You can also access additional features, such as enabling an agent for a queue and viewing a list of agents in a queue.