Manage agents

With 8x8 Supervisor Workspace, you can view metrics for each monitored agent in the Agents table. They include:

  • The elapsed time of an interaction that is in progress
  • The type of interaction being handled by an agent
  • The number of interactions accepted by an agent
  • The number of interactions rejected by an agent
  • The average handle time for interactions handled by an agent
  • The agent's evaluation score indicating how well an agent performed during an interaction

Note: To manage agents in 8x8 Supervisor Workspace, ensure your administrator has assigned you to the appropriate agent groups in 8x8 Configuration Manager. To learn more, see assign agent group memberships.

As a supervisor, you export the Agents table as a PNG file by clicking . You also have access to additional features, such as adding an agent as a favorite. To learn more, see agents table features.

The following table lists and describes the data displayed:


Field Description
Agent (status) Lists the agent's name and their current status.
Time on status Lists the duration of the agent's current status.
Interactions in progress Lists the length of time spent by an agent on an active interaction.
Accepted The number of interactions processed by an agent.
Rejected The number of interactions not processed by an agent.
Avg. handling Lists the average handle time for interactions processed by an agent.
Evaluation score Lists an agent's average evaluation score.

As a supervisor, you can select an agent as a favorite from the Agents table. You can also access additional features, such as changing an agent's status, enabling an agent for a queue, and viewing a list of queues assigned to an agent.