About Mobile Supervisor
Mobile Supervisor is a new solution designed for 8x8 Contact Center supervisors. This new application allows supervisors to track the performance of their agents on their mobile device. Mobile Supervisor provides easy access to a workspace displaying a set of predefined widgets and other key metrics for your 8x8 Contact Center.
As an 8x8 supervisor, you want the ability to quickly review team and queue performance without having to access a desktop or web interface. Through the Mobile Supervisor app, supervisors can get instant access to key metrics, quickly enable or disable agents from a queue, and take action to ensure their customer's needs are being met. This new mobile app also provides a fully synchronized solution, including Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), with a complete web variant of 8x8 Supervisor Workspace.
When you launch the mobile app, you will see a workspace displaying agent and queue metrics:
- Agent status: The Agent status widget displays the total number of agents enabled to handle interactions, along with their statuses.
- Red status
: It indicates the number of agents busy or on a call handling a queued interaction.
- Green status
: It indicates the number of agents available to receive a new interaction.
- Gray status
: It indicates the number of agents that are on break.
- Yellow status
: It indicates the number of agents not available to receive a new interaction.
- Red status
- Service level: The Service level widget indicates the current activity level for your monitored queues.
- Abandon rate: The Abandon rate widget indicates the rate at which presented interactions were not answered by agents.
- Handling time (average): The Handling time widget indicates the average time spent by an agent on an interaction.
- Hold time (average): The Hold time widget indicates the average time an agent has spent placing a customer on hold.
- Quality score: The Quality score widget displays the score you have assigned for evaluated customer interactions.
- Wrap time: The Wrap time widget indicates the amount of time an agent has spent in the Wrap Up state (from the moment the accepted interaction is terminated until it is wrapped up), in relation to the allotted time for wrapping up an interaction.
- Queues: It indicates the number of queues you are monitoring, along with the total number of agents assigned to queues.
- Agents: It indicates the number of agents you are monitoring.
Note: To access features available in the mobile app, you need to be configured as an 8x8 Contact Center supervisor. You must also be assigned an 8x8 Work license and a VCC license. To learn more about 8x8 Work and 8x8 Contact Center licenses, see review licenses.
Mobile Supervisor is available on:
- iOS mobile phones
- Android mobile phones
Note: This app is currently not supported on tablet devices.
As an 8x8 Contact Center supervisor, you will have access to these features on the mobile app:

While viewing a list of queues, tap a queue name to view a list of key metrics.
- Calls waiting: The number of calls waiting in the queue is displayed. As a supervisor, you can take action by assigning additional agents to the queue in an effort to help with service levels.
- Calls accepted: The number of calls accepted by agents in the queue is displayed.
- Waiting time (average): The average time for a call waiting in the queue is displayed.
- Longest wait: The longest wait time for a call in the queue is displayed.
- Service level: The current service level for the queue is displayed.
- Abandon rate: The rate of abandoned calls is displayed.
A list of agents assigned to that queue is also displayed.

When you launch the mobile app, you have the option to display relevant metrics associated with an agent, a queue, an agent group, or a media type. Adding filters to your workspace allows you to customize the information displayed on your mobile device. Tap to display these filter options:
- Agent: The Agent criteria allows you to select an agent from the list. Applying this filter displays relevant information in the applicable widgets for the selected agent(s).
- Agent group: The Agent group criteria allows you to select an agent group from the list. Applying this filter displays relevant information in the applicable widgets for the selected group(s).
- Queue: The Queue criteria allows you to select a queue from the list. Applying this filter displays relevant information in the applicable widgets for the selected queue(s).
- Media type: The Media type criteria allows you to select a type of media from the list. The available options are:
- Inbound phone
- Outbound phone
- Chat
Note: You can select multiple filter criteria. For example, you can simultaneously select an agent from the Agent criteria and a queue from the Queue criteria.
You can apply a filter to your workspace, remove a filter directly from your workspace, or remove all filters from the filter menu.
- Launch the mobile app.
- Tap
to display the filter options.
- Choose a filter option from the list.
- Tap Agent to display a list of agents. Tap to place a checkmark next to the agent(s) you would like to include in your filter criteria.
You can also tap the Agent is drop drop-down menu to display an additional menu: - Tap Agent group to display a list of groups to which agents belong. Tap to place a checkmark next to the group(s) you would like to include in your filter criteria.
You can also tap the Agent group is drop drop-down menu to display an additional menu: - Tap Queue to display a list of queues. Tap to place a checkmark next to the queue(s) you would like to include in your filter criteria.
You can also tap the Queue is drop drop-down menu to display an additional menu: - Tap Media type to display a list of media. Tap to place a checkmark next to the media type(s) you would like to include in your filter criteria.
- Tap Agent to display a list of agents. Tap to place a checkmark next to the agent(s) you would like to include in your filter criteria.
- After making your selection, tap Apply.
The workspace is updated with your selected filters. The filter icon changes from to
, and the applied filter selection is displayed.
Note: The applied filter selections are reflected in the main workspace of 8x8 Supervisor Workspace.