What's new in the Virtual Office Meetings - November 2024?

We are introducing the following features in 8x8 Meet:

Introducing Very Large Meetings - Beta

We have introduced the new Very Large Meeting (VLM) feature, which allows meetings with more than 500 attendees. Moderators can easily change attendee status from visitor to active participant at any time.

Previously, meeting sessions could only reach an audience bigger than 500 people if they used live streaming. However, live streaming usually lags behind the conversation by ten or more seconds and offers no easy way for stream viewers to interact with the meeting's active participants.


The Very Large Meetings (VLM) features include:

  • Joining the VLM is similar to joining a usual 8x8 Meet. To learn how to join an 8x8 Meet, see Join meetings with 8x8 Meet.
  • VLM supports up to 10,000 meeting attendees, including visitors (viewers) and active participants (contributors):

    • Visitors are mainly observers. Visitors get access to the meeting audio and video and see and hear all active participants as soon as they get access to the meeting. Visitors can also see all chat messages exchanged between other visitors and active participants during the meeting.
    • Visitors cannot see their thumbnails and won’t appear in the meeting participant list, but they can raise their hands to become active participants. Visitors can also send chat messages during the meeting or leave anytime. They cannot speak, send audio/video, or share their screens during the conference unless they first get promoted to a participant.
    • Active participants can speak, send audio/video, or share their screens during the conference and take action just as regular 8x8 meeting participants.
    • If participants have moderator rights, they can approve or reject visitor requests to become participants.
  • To keep things smooth, the first 250 people who join a meeting will have active participant rights, so for them, things will work exactly as before. From the 251st person onward, attendees will automatically be joined as visitors.
  • Moderators in a meeting with visitors will be able to promote visitors to participants or demote participants to visitors. A maximum of 500 active participants are allowed in a meeting at any time.
  • VLM displays distinct counters showing the number of active participants and visitors in a meeting.
  • The visitor names and avatars are never displayed on the active meeting screen.

To learn more about the Very Large Meetings feature, see Very Large Meetings.

Previous releases

The following features and enhancements were introduced in previous versions of 8x8 Meet.

8x8 Video Meetings is now 8x8 Meet: Say hello to 8x8 Meet! In recognition of the increased importance of digital tools and changes to how we all work, the 8x8 products and services you work with are getting new names as part of their transformation:

  • 8x8 Video Meetings: 8x8 Meet
  • 8x8 Meeting Rooms: 8x8 Spaces
  • Virtual Office: 8x8 Work
  • Virtual Office desktop app: 8x8 Work for Desktop
  • Virtual Office mobile app: 8x8 Work for Mobile
  • And more!