Note: The ability to secure meetings via moderated lobby rooms is available to 8x8 Work and 8x8 Meet users who sign in, but not for guests who have not signed in.
For details on 8x8 Meet features available to different user types, click here.

Enable lobby rooms for your meetings

Let’s say you’re hosting a confidential meeting with 8x8 Meet, and want to personally make sure that only the intended participants can enter the meeting. You can screen who can join your meeting by enabling a lobby for your meeting; with a meeting lobby enabled, before participants can join your meeting, they must ask to be let in.

As a meeting moderator, review the list of participants knocking to get into the meeting; allow or refuse their entry into the meeting.

Note: If a meeting is protected both by a lobby room and a passcode, participants can enter the passcode to enter without being let in by a moderator.

You can enable lobby rooms during active meetings where you have access to moderator settings. In addition, depending on your administrator’s lobby settings for your organization, you may be able to choose whether lobby rooms are enabled for all meetings in your personal meeting space.

Enable lobby for all meetings in my personal space as a user

Depending on how your administrator sets up your organization, you may be able to make all meetings in your personal meeting space start with a meeting lobby enabled; this way, non-moderators are prevented from entering your meeting space without your permission.

To enable lobby for all meetings in your personal meeting space:

  1. Go to Settings > My profile.
  2. In your profile settings, enable Don’t start the meeting without me to enable a meeting lobby for all meetings in your personal meeting space. Whether this setting is enabled or disabled by default depends on your administrator’s setup.

    Note: This setting only shows up if allowed by your administrator.

Set up meeting lobby behavior as an administrator

As an administrator, you have control over how meeting lobbies work on your organization’s meeting domain. Whether you want meeting lobbies enabled for all meetings by default or want to let your users choose for themselves, you can set it up from your usual meeting admin options.

To access admin settings that affect meeting lobby behavior:

  1. Go to your 8x8 Meet admin settings:
    • As a team leader in 8x8 Meet:
      1. Open your 8x8 Meet Settings .
      2. From your list of settings, click 8x8 Meet Console to open your administrator settings in a new browser tab.
    • As an 8x8 Work administrator:
      1. In your browser, log in with your 8x8 credentials to open your 8x8 Application Panel.
      2. In the Application Panel, go to Meetings or Admin Console > main menu > Meetings.
  2. In the 8x8 Meet settings page that opens, scroll down to the Moderated meetings and Join before moderator sections.

    By default:
    • Under Moderated meetings:
      • All meetings will be moderated only by participants from this company is enabled: Any person in your organization is considered a meeting moderator; this means they can enable or disable meeting lobbies, or join a meeting without needing permission.
      • Allow users to overwrite the default settings for their personal meetings space is enabled: Users in your organization can make themselves the only moderator in their personal meeting space.
    • Under Join before moderator:
      • A moderator is required to start a meeting is disabled: All meetings begin with their lobby disabled.
      • Allow users to overwrite the default settings for their personal meetings space is disabled: Users in your organization cannot choose whether their personal meeting space starts with or without a lobby enabled.
  3. Once you make the changes you want, Save your changes to apply them across your organization.