8x8 Meetings Whiteboard
8x8 Meetings Whiteboard is a collaborative canvas that enables you to share and interact on a virtual whiteboard in real-time. The whiteboard allows you to draw, write, add shapes and notes, making it an excellent tool for brainstorming, presentations, and interactive conversations in meetings.
In order to enjoy the full functionality of 8x8 Meetings Whiteboard, make sure that you meet the following requirements:
- You know your 8x8 Work credentials
- Have access to 8x8 Work for Desktop/Web
- You are a moderator in the meeting
- You have a meeting with up to 25 participants
- You enable the whiteboard for the participants
- The maximum number of participants in a meeting that can collaborate on a whiteboard is 25.
- You can only save the whiteboard in PNG or SVG format, and you cannot reuse it in another meeting.
Note: If you do not see Whiteboard in the 8x8 Work for Web app, check if you have moderator privileges in the meeting.
In a team meeting, you enable the whiteboard for everyone to engage, interact, collaborate, and let the creativity flow.
On the whiteboard, you can draw, select, write, add shapes, zoom in and out, scroll, and save it.
To enable the whiteboard in a meeting:
- Launch or schedule a meeting in 8x8 Meetings with up to 25 participants.
Join the meeting as a moderator in the 8x8 Work for Desktop or Web app.
Wait for the other participants to join the meeting.
Note: A warning notification appears when the 20th participant joins, and a second one when the user limit is reached and the whiteboard is disabled after the 26th participant joined.
- Once the meeting starts, click on More actions
> Show Whiteboard
- The whiteboard launches in the meeting window and all participants can collaborate.
Note: If the whiteboard is active during a meeting that is being recorded, the whiteboard will be displayed in full until the moderator activates the follow-me feature from Settings > Moderator > Everyone follows me.
Note: As a participant, you can hide the whiteboard without impacting the other participants in the meeting. Go to More actions > Hide whiteboard
, and the whiteboard will no longer be visible.
How to use the whiteboard tools
To edit a whiteboard, use the editing tools on the upper side of the screen. Click the icons on the canvas bar to select the tool you want to use for drawing, adding shapes, or typing text.
By using the Selection tool, you will be able to select one or more objects and change their properties.
For 8x8 Meetings whiteboard, we are introducing the tools in the upper side menu:
- Selection: Click on the icon
to select the items on the whiteboard.
- Rectangle: Click on the icon
to draw a rectangle on the whiteboard.
- Diamond: Click on the icon
to draw a diamond on the whiteboard.
- Ellipse: Click on the icon
to draw an ellipse on the whiteboard.
Arrow: Click on the icon
to draw an arrow on the whiteboard.
Line: Click on the icon
to draw lines on the whiteboard.
Draw: Click on the pen icon
to draw freely on the whiteboard.
Text: Click on the icon
to write a text on the whiteboard.
Customize the appearance or edit the elements added to the whiteboard by:
- Changing the Stroke color
- Changing the Background
- Choosing the Fill type
- Changing the Stroke width
Choosing to Duplicate or Delete the elements
Zooming in and out of the whiteboard
Using the Undo and Redo buttons
Using the Eraser
to delete the content
To save your whiteboard simply click on the Save as image icon in the left upper corner of the whiteboard and choose the format from PNG or SVG.