Virtual Office Mobile App 6.4 for iOS6.3 for Android - What's New?

Important: Version 7.0 of the 8x8 Work for Mobile is here. We have introduced a brand new user experience and more. To download version 7.0, go to your app store. To learn more, click hereclick here.

In release 6.43, we have introduced the following enhancements:

IPv6 network improvementsSmooth calling experience for T-Mobile users on IPv6.

Support for CallKit for iOS10: iOS 10 users can now handle simultaneous 8x8 Work and cellular calls with ease.

  • With CallKit integration for iOS 10, your 8x8 calls or meetings are no longer interrupted by cellular calls. You have the option to:
    • Continue with your 8x8 call, and dismiss the cellular call.
    • Place the 8x8 call on hold, answer the cellular call, and switch back to your 8x8 call.
  • You can answer your 8x8 call as you would a cellular call, resulting in fewer missed calls.
    • No more looking for notifications to answer calls.
  • Better Bluetooth connectivity: Answer a call using your Bluetooth headset or car audio.
  • Call using 8x8 from the device call history or contacts app.

For details on the call behavior, refer to the FAQ article on how to handle simultaneous cellular and 8x8 Work calls.

Note: 8x8 CallKit integration is applicable to iOS 10 users only.

Ability to join meeting audio on a cellular call: Users can automatically dial in to meeting audio using a cellular voice call.

  • One click dial-in to a meeting through a cellular call
  • Removes the necessity to punch in meeting IDs and long numbers
  • Ability of users to be called back on their cell phone to join the meeting
  • Improved battery performance
  • Improved audio quality
  • Fewer missed calls
  • Compatible with Android N

Bug Fixes

For a list of the bugs fixed in this release, refer to our iOS release notesAndroid release notes.

Previous Release Features