What's new in June 2024?

8x8 Supervisor Workspace released the following features in June.

Ability to filter in Mobile Supervisor

Within the Mobile Supervisor app, you now have the ability to filter by agents, agent groups, queues and media type. This new functionality allows you to view and display relevant metrics on your mobile device. To learn more, see mobile supervisor filter option.

Ability to resize Agents and Queues tables

We have introduced the ability for supervisors to resize the Agents and Queues tables. It enables for better visibility of agent and queue metrics in the workspace. As a supervisor, you can display both tables side by side to fit your screen's resolution. You can also customize the placement of widgets in order to display relevant information for your 8x8 Contact Center. To learn more, see resize agents and queues tables.

New metrics for configuring Agents and Queues tables

We have introduced new metrics when configuring columns in the Agents and Queues tables. As a supervisor, adding these metrics to your workspace tables will allow you to display relevant information for your 8x8 Contact Center. They include:

  • Agent metrics: 2 new metrics appear when editing the Agents table.
    • Available time: It indicates the duration an agent has been available to handle an interaction.
    • Current status: It indicates the agent’s current status.
  • Queue metrics: 4 new metrics appear when editing the Queues table.
    • Abandoned: It indicates the number of interactions that terminated in a queue and ended up as being hung up by the customer.
    • Accepted %: It indicates the percentage of all interactions answered by an agent in relation to the number of entered interactions.
    • Accepted in SLA %: It indicates the percentage of interactions answered by all agents under the SLA threshold time in relation to the number of all accepted interactions.
    • Avg. wrap up time: It indicates the average time the agent has spent in the Wrap up state in a queue.

To learn more, see configure agents table and configure queues table.

What's new in May 2024?

8x8 Supervisor Workspace released the following feature in May.

Redesigned Agent status widget

The Agent status widget has been redesigned to include a new Wrap up status, which shows the number of agents finishing up after handling a queued interaction. It ensures supervisors have a consistent user experience when navigating between 8x8 Supervisor Workspace and our 8x8 Contact Center offerings. To learn more, see the widgets library.

What's new in April 2024?

8x8 Supervisor Workspace released the following feature in April.

Ability to configure columns in Agents and Queues tables

As a supervisor, you have the ability to customize the order of columns in the Agents and Queues tables. You can select which columns to display or hide, while ensuring the most important information appears first in the table. Configuring your tables allows you to closely monitor agent and queue metrics relevant to your business needs. To learn more, see configure agents table and configure queues table.

What's new in February 2024?

8x8 Supervisor Workspace released the following feature in February.

Ability to select agent status codes

When updating an agent's status, supervisors can now select a status code. As a supervisor, it allows you to closely track agents who are on break or working offline. To learn more, see change an agent's status.

What's new in January 2024?

8x8 Supervisor Workspace released the following feature in January.

Ability to play back interactions in the Interaction Retrieval widget

Supervisors can now download and play back voice interactions from the Interaction Retrieval widget. Agent interaction details can also be viewed in the Interaction Retrieval widget. Supervisors no longer need to access the Quality Management and Speech Analytics application to view details of an agent interaction. To learn more, see manage agent interaction retrieval.

Previous releases

To learn more about features and enhancements introduced in the past, see 2023 releases.