About Post Call Survey (Beta)
Supervisors now have the ability to view customer survey results in 8x8 Supervisor Workspace. A Post Call Survey (PCS) is a questionnaire that can be offered by an agent at the end of a call, controlled automatically by an IVR, or offered independently via your company page. As a supervisor, you can view how callers are rating your agents and use that information to improve the quality of service. You can access the survey results from the Post Call Survey page, and view aggregated metrics for each survey. The survey results can be filtered by date range and agents. Queues survey results can be filtered by date range, agents, agent groups, and queues. Some of the survey metrics are displayed in a pie chart for ease of viewing.
Note: Before you can access metrics for Post Call Survey in 8x8 Supervisor Workspace, you will need to configure a survey script. To learn more, see configure a survey and survey question types.
Manage survey results
As a supervisor, you can view, filter and download survey results from the Post Call Survey page. It allows you to gain insight into how callers are rating your agents and the quality of service being offered. The survey results provide an aggregate report of each question presented to a caller, along with charts and tables showing various metrics.

You can access survey results through 8x8 Supervisor Workspace. You need to ensure the Post Call Survey page is displayed in your workspace.
To log in to 8x8 Supervisor Workspace:
- In your preferred browser, enter https://login.8x8.com.
- From the 8x8 login page, enter your username or email address and click Continue.
- Enter your password and click Login.
- The 8x8 application panel launches, listing all the applications available to you. Select the 8x8 Supervisor Workspace application.
When 8x8 Supervisor Workspace launches, you will see a dashboard displaying real-time queue and agent metrics. By default, the Post Call Survey page is not displayed.
To access call surveys, ensure the tab representing the Post Call Survey page appears at the top of your workspace.
To display the Post Call Survey page:
- Select Create new page
- From the Create new page window, click Select for the Post Call Survey template.
- You are prompted to specify a title for the new page. After entering a page title, click Save.
Your newly-created Post Call Survey page is displayed as a new tab. You can now access survey results.

You can view survey results from the Post Call Survey page. As a supervisor, you are provided with an aggregate report for each question presented in the survey. You can also view detailed metrics associated with the survey.
To view survey results:
- Select the Post Call Survey page.
- An overview of survey results is displayed. For every survey, the following details are listed:
- Survey name: It indicates the name of the survey offered to customers.
- Summary: It displays a bar chart of the survey details, such as the number of surveys presented and the number of surveys completed. Hover your mouse over the chart to view a count of the metrics associated with the survey.
- Offered: It indicates the number of customers who were offered the option to take the survey.
- Opted in: It indicates the number of customers who opted in to take the survey.
- Started: It indicates the number of customers who started taking the survey.
- Completed: It indicates the number of customers who provided valid responses to all questions presented in the survey.
- General score: It indicates the overall score of the survey. The score ranges from 0% to 100%.
- Totals: It displays the aggregate number for all metrics.
Select a survey from the list to display additional details. The following information is displayed:
- Bar chart with survey metrics: It shows a bar chart along with the survey metrics, such as the number of customers who were offered the survey. It also shows a percentage of customers who opted in, started and completed the survey.
- Survey questions: It shows a list of survey questions along with an overall score. Selecting a question from the list displays the answer and score breakdown in a pie chart.
- Answered: It indicates the number of customers who answered this survey question. This includes valid and invalid responses. If a question is offered more than once to a caller, we consider the last response received for that question.
- Hung up: It indicates the number of customers who hung up after listening to the question prompt.
- Skipped: It indicates the number of customers who failed to respond to a survey question (valid or invalid) through the time out duration or the system failed to capture the input.
- Answer breakdown: It shows a count for each answer.
- Score: It shows the average score for each question in a pie chart. The maximum and actual scores are listed.
- Detailed responses: It shows a table with additional information about the surveys, along with details about the customers who started the survey. To learn more, see detailed responses.
- Click View all surveys to return to the surveys list.
Note: You can sort the surveys on the Post Call Survey page by clicking the column header. All columns, except for Summary, can be sorted in ascending or descending order. The default view displays two opposite-facing arrows when hovering over the column header.
Important: A stand-alone survey is not counted as a metric for Offered or Opted in. However, it is counted in Started, Completed, and other metrics.
Note: A survey is considered Completed when a customer responds to all questions.

You can filter survey results by navigating to the Post Call Survey page. It allows you to display a customized view of your surveys based on your filter criteria.
To apply a filter to your survey results:
- Select the Post Call Survey page.
- A summary of surveys is displayed. Click
to display the filter bar.
- Choose a filter option from the list.
- Date Range: Select a date range from the available options.
- Agent: Select the Agent drop-down list to filter by agents. You can search for an agent or select it from the list.
- Queue: Select the Queue drop-down list to filter by queues. You can search for a queue or select it from the list.
- Agent Group: Select an option from the drop-down list to filter by agent group.
- Show un-offered survey: Toggle on the filter to view surveys that have not been offered to customers.
- Date Range: Select a date range from the available options.
After making a selection from a list, click Apply.
The survey results are updated with your selected filters.
Note: You can add multiple filters to the Post Call Survey page.
To remove a filter from your survey results:

You can download a snapshot of survey results from the Post Call Survey page. These downloaded survey results are saved as PNG files.
To download survey results:
- Select the Post Call Survey page.
- A list of surveys is displayed. Click
to export a snapshot of the surveys.
Note: You can select a survey and download a snapshot of that survey.
Post Call Survey page options
As a supervisor, you can manage multiple pages in 8x8 Supervisor Workspace. These pages are represented as tabs at the top of your workspace. You can customize your Post Call Survey page by displaying relevant survey metrics. For example, you can display agent-only survey results on one page, while displaying queue-only survey results on another page. Select Show more in the upper right hand corner to display these options:
- Duplicate page: Select this option to create a duplicate page of an existing workspace. You are prompted to specify a name for your duplicated page. A new tab with its own title will appear at the top of the page.
- Rename page: Select this option to change the name of an existing workspace.
- Delete page: Select this option to remove a page from your workspace. This action is irreversible.
To learn more about managing multiple pages, see manage workspace pages.
Detailed Responses
The Detailed Responses table displays survey information about a caller, such as their name, phone number, questions presented in the survey, and the respective scores for each question. It also lists the total number of responses for each question. If your survey allows voice comments, you can find and play the recorded comments from this table. The available metrics listed include:
- Date/Time: It indicates the date and time a survey question was answered. Click the column header to sort the responses in ascending or descending order.
- Agent: It indicates the agent(s) that participated in the interaction that was evaluated by the customer through the survey.
- Duration: It indicates the time it took to answer the whole survey.
- Caller: It indicates the name or phone number of the caller answering a survey question.
- Caller No: It indicates the caller's phone number.
- Interaction ID: It indicates the unique identifier associated with the interaction(s) that was evaluated by the customer through the survey.
- Transaction ID: It indicates the identifier used to track down details pertaining to a transaction within a survey.
- Total: It indicates the aggregate score for the answered survey question. Click the column header to sort the responses in ascending or descending order.
- Questions: It indicates the number of responses for each listed survey question. The status of the question is indicated by the following icons:
: Indicates that a voice comment was recorded for that question.
: Indicates that the survey response has been skipped.
: Indicates an invalid response.