Set up 8x8 Meet

8x8 Meet with 8x8 Work combines flexible communication capabilities with powerfully collaborative meetings. With 8x8 Meet, take your team meetings to the next level via integration with calendar apps, high-definition audio and video, advanced meeting management features, and much more!

To configure 8x8 Meet for your organization:

  • Set up meeting URLs for your organization: Meeting URLs used for 8x8 Meet are based on the name of your organization; set an easy-to-remember base URL for your entire organization, and then select the default behavior of people's individual meeting URLs! In addition, you can set up how the meeting is launched or how meeting is moderated. In addition, you can set up how the meeting is launched or how a meeting is moderated.
  • Salesforce integration with 8x8 Work: You can choose to enable or not Salesforce integration with 8x8 Work in one click.

  • Branding: You can design your own Meeting UI for your company.

  • Set up 8x8 Spaces (optional): Need an in-room conferencing solution to bring remote participants into your office's meeting rooms? Now that you've set up 8x8 Meet for your organization, set up 8x8 Spaces for an enhanced in-room conferencing experience!
  • Set up AI assistance for meeting summarization: Activate the summarization features in the 8x8 Meet app for participants. The meeting summarization feature ensures that all participants receive an email summary of the meeting. Additionally, those who join the meeting late will receive a private chat message summarizing the discussions that occurred before their arrival..
  • Set up an AI platform connection: You can allow customers to choose OpenAI to generate their meeting summaries by configuring the AI platform connection.