Quick replies for web chat

The Quick Replies feature enables customers to receive guidance through a web chat journey by using quick replies buttons. In addition to the pre-chat form on web chat, agents can now gather valuable information directly on the web chat by using quick replies to understand the customers' needs better.

Let’s say the AcmeJets company wants to route customer interactions efficiently to suitable agents who can quickly resolve their issues. To achieve this, AcmeJets plans to collect customer information to identify their queries and the nature of their queries. The data is transferred to an agent when a customer sends a message and agrees to interact. Once the data is transferred, the customer may receive a response directly through the chat window or be directed to the appropriate agent to assist them with their concerns.


8x8 admins can now forward a query from the web chat script to a specific social script, allowing the use of all the features available in the social script. The query is then routed to the appropriate queue in the social script.

The Quick Replies for web chat feature brings extra features to the web chat script, including:

  • The Send prompt node allows agents to send multiple messages to customers anytime before forwarding them to a queue.
  • The Single-answer question node sends questions or quick replies to customers. Customer can also type their responses. Queries are routed based on customer selection, allowing multiple replies to be sent together.
  • The Yes/No questions node will end the quick replies with a Yes/No question. Customers can enter their responses, and routing can be done based on the customer response. Multiple Yes/No questions can be linked together.
  • The Open-ended questions node collects verbal responses from the customers. The chat responses, including verbal or multiple, are collected before being routed to an agent. Routing for open-ended questions is unavailable, but information can still be collected at this node.
  • The Get customer information node collects customer information before starting a chat interaction. This information can include details such as email address, customer or case ID, phone number, etc. If the customer agrees to the interaction, this information is then passed on to the agent. In addition, this node triggers a screen pop in the Native CRM and searches for other items in the CRM.
  • The Forward to a queue node directs customer interactions to the proper queue. Before passing the interaction to an agent, it checks whether the queue conditions are met. The customer is not forwarded to the queue if the conditions are met. However, the interaction is redirected to the appropriate queue if the conditions are not verified.
  • The Forward to a script node forwards a query from the web chat script to a specific social script, allowing agents to use all the features available in the social script.