Configure Settings

You can customize your 8x8 Work for Mobile settings from one convenient screen.

Refer to the following topics to synchronize or change settings.

To change general settings:

  1. Tap to open the main menu.
  2. From the main menu, select Settings.
  3. Choose from the following settings to change:
    • Set call forwarding rules for:
      • When you are busy.
      • When you don't answer a call.
      • When you experience an outage.
      • All calls.
    • Select contact display options to:
      • Sort contacts by first or last name.
      • Choose order in which to display first and last names (John Smith or Smith John).
      • Whether to display only online contacts.
      • Whether to group contacts.
      • Filter contacts by Company or Personal, or Public categories.
    • Select device ring settings to:
      • Enable or disable whether device vibrates for calls and messages.
      • Select ringtone.
    • Select video settings to:
      • Enable or disable video calls.
      • Enable or disable Wi-Fi-only video.
      • Enable or disable Privacy Mode.
      For details on managing video calls, refer to Add Video to Calls. Video calls must be enabled.
    • Select advanced settings to:
      • Enable or disable screen auto-lock when the 8x8 Work for Mobile is in the foreground.
      • Dim the screen during calls.
      • View your external dial prefix.
      • Enable or disable emergency calls via cellular.
      • Enable or disable software echo cancellation.
    • Enable or disable call quality prompts.
    • Enable or disable ability to shake to send feedback.
    • View Help details about the 8x8 Work for Mobile.

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