Supervise your 8x8 Contact Center

Your 8x8 Contact Center administrator can configure specific 8x8 SupervisorClosedAn agent with the supplementary privileges required to create FAQ categories and answers, monitor agent interactions in progress, listen to recordings of previous interactions, and create reports for the agents groups they supervise. Console accounts to include access to supervisor tools.

8x8 Agent ConsoleClosed8x8 Contact Center's browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) used by Agents to manage customer interactions. accounts with access to supervisor functions are referred to as 8x8 Supervisor Console accounts. The topics in this section focus on the use of 8x8 Supervisor Console features.

Supervisor accounts have exclusive access to the following 8x8 Supervisor Console features that are not enabled for non-supervisor agent accounts:

In addition to supervisor features, supervisors may choose to perform or guide and validate the use of certain operations that agents have access to, such as agent profile configuration. These include the following agent-optional abilities to:

  • Delete customer and case records from the Local CRM
  • Pull and delete pending email interactions from a queue
  • Use the Monitoring tab to remove agents from queue assignments