Access the Interaction Details report
Gather all the details about an interaction - What queue was the call directed to? Who is the agent who handled the interaction? Was the call placed on hold? What was the duration of the hold? Was it transferred to another agent? What was the call outcome? Answer all these questions and many more using the data in the Interactions Details report. Select from a total of 56 metrics, arrange them to suit your needs, and even freeze those metrics that are key to the report data.
To access the Interactions Detailed report, from the menu, select Detailed Reports > Interactions.
Further, you can filter data based on queues, channel ID, hold duration, and more. Do you want to track only the interaction details of a specific queue? Filter further to review interactions with a hold duration longer than 30 seconds, look at only inbound calls, interactions transferred blind, and more.
Download the Interactions Detailed report as a CSV file
You can download the Interactions Detailed report as a CSV file. You can choose to download a report only containing interactions, or download a report with interactions and participants.
To download the report:
- From the menu, go to Detailed Reports.
- Select Interactions from the list.
- Select Download report and click CSV.
Date and time range selection
You can select any of the following preset date ranges available for the Interactions Detailed report or select a custom date range:
Today, Yesterday, Week to date, Last week, Month to date, Last month, Year to date, and Last X days.
You can also select an intraday time range which allows you to track activity within a work shift such as the early morning shift from 5 am to 12 pm.
Show/Hide, reorder, and freeze columns
You can customize the report data by showing relevant data, reordering the columns, and freezing columns. Click Customize Table to set the following preferences:
- Show/hide columns: To view only the data relevant to your business, add additional columns to the report and hide columns that are not important. Select the columns you want to include on screen and in the downloaded or scheduled report.
- Reorder columns: You can reorder the columns to fit your needs by dragging and dropping columns in the preferred order.
Freeze columns: Use the lock icon to mark the columns that you want to freeze on the screen while navigating across the report.
Note: The Time column is frozen by default in the first position and cannot be changed.
Filter using Labels
Labels allow you to indicate significant events during an interaction journey. For example, "Rejected" is a label that indicates that an interaction is rejected. Let’s say you wish to track interactions that were rejected and later abandoned. In the filter, add separate labels for "Labels is Rejected" + "Labels is Abandoned".
Let’s say you wish to review all inbound phone calls which were on hold for longer than three minutes; select the filters for "media type = phone" and "hold duration > 3 minutes".
Further, you can filter data based on queues, channel ID, hold duration, and more. Apply the filters and get the data that meets your business needs.
Some interactions may not have a known outcome due to the existing technical limitations in our system. The Interaction Details report will now label these interactions with an unknown outcome and will identify the action taken as unknown. See glossary.
New metrics and filter options
You can access new metrics and filter options in the Interactions Detailed report. They include:
- Forwarded to agent individual voicemail: This filter option lists all interactions that have been forwarded to an agent's voicemail.
- Forwarded to external IVR: This filter option lists all interactions that have been forwarded to another Interactive Voice Response (IVR), such as an intelligent IVR.
- Interaction duration: This metric displays the elapsed time for an interaction.
- Mute count: This metric displays the number of times a customer was muted during an interaction.
Post-call survey: This filter option indicates whether a customer opted to participate in a post-call survey. The available options are:
- Post-call survey callback: Once the interaction has ended, the agent will follow up with the customer to complete the survey.
- Post-call survey stay on call: The customer will remain on the line with the agent to complete the survey.
Schedule hours: This metric indicates whether a customer called your 8x8 Contact Center during scheduled business hours. The available options are:
- Open: The call was received during business hours.
- Closed: The call was received during non-business hours.
- Terminated by: This metric indicates whether an interaction was ended by a customer, an agent, or the system.
- Time to abandon: This metric displays the duration of an abandoned interaction.
Transfers: For a transferred interaction, this filter option displays the type of transfer selected during an interaction. The available options are:
- Blind transfer
- Transfer to agent
- Transfer to another number
- Transfer to a queue
To view these metrics:
- From the menu, go to Detailed Reports.
- Select Interactions from the list.
- Click Customize table to edit the report.
In the Search field, locate the following metrics from the list:
- Click to add the metrics to your report.
In the Search or filter field, specify an exact match for the following filters:
- For Transfers, check the option for Select all.
For Labels, select the following:
- Blind Transfer
- Forwarded to Agent Individual Voicemail
- Forwarded to External IVR
- Post-Call Survey Callback
- Post-Call Survey Stay On Call
- Click Finish to proceed.
- Click Search to update the report.
New reporting metrics for customer journey
You can access new metrics for the customer's journey in the Interactions Detailed Report. They include:
- Customer Journey Duration: This metric lists the time duration that a customer spent on an interaction (such as script time, time in a queue, handling time, time on hold, and post call survey time). The value for this metric is not displayed for old data.
- Participant Group ID: This metric enables the supervisor to see the unique identifier of the specific group the agents are part of.
- Participant Group Name: This metric enables the supervisor to see the name of the specific group the agents are part of.
To generate a report with these metrics:
- From the menu, go to Detailed Reports.
- Select Interactions from the list.
- Click Customizable table to edit the report.
- In the Search filed, search for Customer Journey Duration, Participant Group ID and Participant Group Name. Click next to each metric not already selected. When the metric is selected, the icon changes to .
- Click Save.
- Click Search to update the report.
Scroll to the right of the report to locate the columns displaying these metrics.
We also introduced social media metrics for Facebook ID and Twitter ID. You can include them in your report by following the steps described above.
Access recordings for customer interactions
You can access customer recordings in the Interactions Detailed Report. These recordings are linked from the 8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics (QM&SA) application.
To access customer recordings:
- From the menu, go to Detailed Reports.
- Select Interactions from the list.
- Select a date range from the drop-down list.
- Click Search to generate the Interactions Detailed report.
- Click for the interaction whose recording you would like to access.
The interaction details is displayed in the QM/SA application, along with a recording of the interaction.
To learn more about the interaction details, see 8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics tools.
Interaction Details report - Glossary
Field | Description |
Time | The date and time stamp of the creation of the interaction. |
Queue Name | The name of the queue through which the interaction was directed. This is an optional column. |
Queue ID | A unique identifier for the queue. This is an optional column. |
Channel ID | The channel through which an incoming interaction was directed. Applicable to inbound phone, voicemail, chat, email interactions; the value is empty for all outbound phone numbers or email addresses. |
Channel Name | A unique name for the channel that allows you to easily identify the location of an interaction. |
Type |
Indicates the type of the interaction with one of the following values indicated below marked in bold (specific values):
Labels |
A list of labels that represent important events that took place in the interaction; see below for possible values: |
Origination |
The point where the interaction originated is indicated by the following values:
Destination |
The point where the interaction landed.
Customer | The name of the customer, if available (optional) |
Customer Journey Duration | It indicates the time duration that a customer spent on an interaction (such as script time, time in a queue, handling time, time on hold, and post call survey time). |
Case number | The CRM case associated with the interaction; can have a value for any interaction, and is mandatory for emails, but optional otherwise. |
Case follow-up number | The CRM case follow-up associated with the interaction |
Media type | One of the following: phone, chat, email, or voicemail |
Direction | Inbound or outbound (only when media type = phone) |
Creation Time | Timestamp when the interaction was created |
Finished Time | Timestamp when the interaction was finished |
IVR Treatment Duration |
The total time spent by the caller in the IVR, excluding the queued time:
Outbound Phone Code List | The outbound phone code list the code is part of (optional) |
Outbound Phone Code List ID | The ID of the outbound phone code list the code is part of (optional) |
Outbound Phone Code | The Menu Name of the outbound phone code item chosen by the agent when making an outbound call (optional); only applicable to outbound calls |
Outbound Phone Code Text | The Report Text of the outbound phone code item (optional) |
Outbound Phone Short Code | The Short Code of the outbound phone code item (optional) |
Outbound Phone Code ID | The ID of the outbound phone code item (optional) |
Assign # | An ordinal number for each agent assignment (first agent gets 1, second agent gets 2, and so on) |
Participant Type | Can be either Agent or External number |
Participant | An agent name to whom the interaction was assigned, or a customer's display name |
Participant ID | If the participant is an agent, then the agent ID; empty for external numbers |
Participant Group ID | It indicates the unique identifier of the specific group to which an agent belongs |
Participant Group Name | It indicates the name of the specific group to which an agent belongs |
Offer Time | Timestamp for when the interaction was offered to the participant |
Offer Action |
Identifies the action taken by the participant from one of the following:
Offering Action Time | Timestamp for when the participant took the action |
Offer Duration | Duration between agent offer time and agent action time (same formula as on the aggregated reports) |
Handling End Time | Timestamp for when the "handling" phase of the interaction finished, i.e. for phone, the moment when the caller or the agent hung up, or when the chat finished |
Handling Duration | This metric evaluates the time period between Offer Action Time and Handling End Time. It includes participants who are classified as External Number. When multiple participants are part of the interaction, this metric is calculated individually for each one of them. The total value for the interaction is then determined by adding up each one of these individual participant metrics. |
Wrap Up End Time | Timestamp for when the agent finished wrap-up |
Wrap-up Duration | Duration between the start-post-processing (coincides with handling end time) and end-post-processing times (coincides with interaction finished time, same formula as on the aggregated reports) |
Processing Duration | (Handling + Wrap Up Duration) The time spent by all agents involved in the interaction session in the Handling and Wrap up states |
Busy Duration | (Offering + Handling + Wrap up Duration) The time all agents involved in interaction session have spent in the Offering, Handling, and Wrap up states |
Warm Transfers Completed | The total number of warm transfers initiated during an interaction |
Blind Transfer to Agent | The total number of blind transfers initiated and received by an agent (outside of a queue) during an interaction |
Blind Transfer to Queue | The total number of blind transfers to queues initiated by an agent during the interaction |
Consultation Established | The number of times the agent successfully established an outbound call, while another call is on hold, by an agent (this counter does not decrease the "outbound direct interaction established" value, which increases at the same time as this counter) |
Conference Established | The total number of conferences (join lines) the agent has initiated during an interaction |
Hold | Counter of the number of times the agent put the call on hold |
Hold Duration | The total duration of time the call was put on hold |
Longest Hold Duration | The longest continuous duration for which the call was put on hold |
Wrap-up Code List | The wrap-up code list the code is part of (optional) |
Wrap-up Code List ID | The ID of the wrap-up code list the code is part of (optional) |
Wrap-up Code | The Menu Name of the wrap-up code list item that was used by the agent in the wrap-up (optional) |
Wrap-up Code Text | The Report Text of the wrap-up code list item that was used by the agent in the wrap-up (optional) |
Wrap-up Short Code | The Short Code of the wrap-up code list item that was used by the agent in the wrap-up (optional) |
Wrap-up Code ID | The ID of the wrap-up code list item that was used by the agent in the wrap-up (optional) |
Queue Wait Duration | The time the interaction spent waiting in a queue; the duration between "queued" and first "accepted" event by an agent (same formula as on the aggregated reports) |
Queued Time | Timestamp for when the interaction was queued |
Interaction ID | Contact Center's internal interaction ID |
Transaction ID | Also known as the "Token ID" or just "Transaction" in the old reports |
Original Interaction ID | The interaction ID of the original (parent) interaction |
Original Transaction ID | The transaction ID of the original (parent) interaction |
Facebook ID | It indicates the unique Facebook identifier associated with a customer interaction, if available |
Twitter ID | It indicates the unique Twitter identifier associated with a customer interaction, if available |
Labels |
Interactions and sessions have a column named Labels with zero or many distinct values. A label corresponds to a specific event that took place in the life cycle of the interaction. Labels can be used to filter a list of interactions, allowing the user to narrow down a possibly very long list of interactions by what happened in the interaction. Labels are defined based on media type and direction as follows: |
Labels - Inbound Phone |
Labels - Outbound Phone |
Labels - Voicemail
Labels - Chat |
Labels - Email |