FAQ: faxes
For details on Internet Fax with 8x8 Work for Desktop, refer to our following FAQ items.

You can enable pop-up notifications for 8x8 Work faxes under the Fax section of Settings > Notifications:
Setting | Notifications Affected |
Desktop notifications > Sound theme |
Notifications for all communications in 8x8 Work, except those that are overwritten by your operating system settings. Under Sound theme you can:.
Notes: As a Windows 10 or Mac user, you can further configure your 8x8 Work notifications from your computer's system preferences: |
Advanced settings > Calls | |
External popup for incoming calls | Enable or disable the pop-up notification in the corner of your screen when you have an incoming call. Regardless of whether the pop-up notification is enabled, an in-app banner notification notifies you of incoming calls as well. Note: If this setting is disabled, when an incoming call rings, the app does not pop up if it is hidden or minimized; instead, the app icon in the toolbar flashes. |
Calls > Ringtone audio settings | |
Missed call notification | Set up visual notifications for incoming calls that timed out and went to voicemail, or were hung up before being answered. |
Missed call sound alert | Set up sound notifications for incoming calls that timed out and went to voicemail, or were hung up before being answered. |
Voicemail notification | Set up visual notifications for voicemails you receive. |
Voicemail sound alert | Set up sound notifications for voicemails you receive. |
Advanced settings > Messages | |
Notification | Visual notifications for IM messages you receive from 8x8 Work contacts. |
Sound alert | Sound notifications for IM messages you receive from 8x8 Work contacts. |
Advanced settings > SMS | |
Notification | Visual notifications for SMS messages you receive from external contacts. |
Sound alert | Sound notifications for SMS messages you receive from external contacts. |
Advanced settings > Calendar reminders | |
Status &Calendar | Calendar events reminders are controlled in Status & Calendar section. |
Advanced settings > Fax | |
Notification | Visual notifications for faxes you receive. |
Sound alert | Sound notifications for faxes you receive. |

You can configure your settings to notify you via email whenever you receive or successfully send a fax; notifications are sent to the email address associated with your user profile. Depending on whether you are an X Series, Virtual Office Editions, or Virtual Office Classic user, the settings available to you are different.
To set up fax notifications as an X Series or Virtual Office Editions user:
- Go to Settings
> Account settings to open your account settings in a browser page.
- Under Fax notification settings, open the drop-down to:
- Enter your email address to receive fax notifications.
- Enable or disable email notifications when you receive a fax, and select the content of the email:
- No email notification.
- Only an attachment containing the fax.
- A link to a web page where you can access your faxes, and an attachment containing the fax.
- Only a link to a web page where you can access your faxes.
- Enable or disable confirmation emails when you send a fax, and select the content of the email:
- No email notification.
- Only an attachment containing the fax.
- A link to a web page where you can access your faxes, and an attachment containing the fax.
- Only a link to a web page where you can access your faxes.
To set up fax notifications as a Virtual Office Classic user:
Open your 8x8 Account Settings app to access your account settings.
Note: If you do not have the 8x8 Account Settings app downloaded, go to Settings
> Account settings and open the download page for the app.
- Under My Services > Internet Fax, you can:
- Select from your available fax numbers, or choose to disable Internet fax.
- Enable or disable email notifications when you receive a fax, and select the content of the email:
- A link to a web page where you can access your faxes, and an attachment containing the fax.
- Only an attachment containing the fax.
- Only a link to a web page where you can access your faxes.
- Only a written notification that the fax was received.
- No email notification.
- Enable or disable confirmation emails when you send a fax, and select the content of the email:
- A link to a web page where you can access your faxes, and an attachment containing the fax.
- Only an attachment containing the fax.
- Only a link to a web page where you can access your faxes.
- Only a written notification that the fax was sent.
- No email notification.
- Enter the email address(es) to receive email notifications and confirmations.

- While creating a new fax, click Open
in the Cover field to open the cover page details.
- In the cover page details, you can:
- Enter the recipient name.
- Write a note to preface the fax.
To save changes to the cover page, and go back to creating the fax, click Save.
Note: If you want a more heavily customized cover sheet for your faxes, you can instead detach the cover sheet of the fax you are about to send from 8x8 Work, and create an external cover sheet from your preferred word processing application. In the desired application, create a document to serve as your fax cover sheet, customize as needed, and save. You can then attach this document in front of the main content of your fax to have it serve as a cover page.

Once you receive a fax, 8x8 Work keeps it available for review for 60 days. After the fax expires, 8x8 Work still displays a record of when the fax was received, who sent it, and how many pages you received. If you want to keep the fax past its deletion date, you can download or print the fax from 8x8 Work for Desktop before it is deleted.
To download or print a fax:
- Open your Fax
- From the fax list that opens, hover over the fax to show options for the fax.
- From the options, select either Download
or Print
as needed. If you download, you receive a notification in the corner of your screen once the fax has finished downloading.

- Open Contacts
- Go to Favorites, Company, or My Contacts.
- Hover over the desired contact, and click the More
option that appears to open a drop-down menu.
From the drop-down, select Contact info to display the contact details. If available, you can find the contact’s department and title, their email address, their phone, fax, and extension numbers, and more.
From the contact details, you can call, message, or fax the contact.Note: You cannot edit the information associated with company contacts; you can only customize your personal contacts, found under Contacts
> My Contacts.