Handle calls in 8x8 Work for Copper

If your 8x8 Work extension uses only a softphone, you must log in to one of the following clients to handle calls:

  • 8x8 Work for Desktop app
  • 8x8 Work for Mobile app

Use the same credentials to log in to 8x8 Work for Copper. If your 8x8 Work extension is assigned with a desk phone, use the call control panel in the application to answer incoming and outgoing calls.

About screen pop

During an inbound or outbound call, 8x8 Work for Copper looks up the phone number of the caller and then searches for a matching record in the CRM. On finding a matching record, it presents the record for you to preview and prepare for the call. This process is referred to as screen pop.

The search may return:

  • A single match: The number is associated with a single CRM record. The matching record is presented in a new browser tab.
  • Multiple matches: The number is associated with multiple CRM records. In the event of multiple matching records, the app lists all matches in the Search tab of the integration. By default, the call log is linked to the first record in the list. Assign the call to the appropriate user, and click next to the desired record to view the details.
  • No match: In the absence of matching records, a call log is created in CRM.

Place calls

You can place calls to 8x8 Work contacts and CRM records from the dial pad, record list, or call log in 8x8 Work for Copper. In addition, you can click a record number directly from the record in CRM to launch calls in the integration.

Note: All outbound calls are two-legged calls. When you dial out, the call dials out to you first. Once you accept the call, the call dials out to the dialed party.

For phone numbers dialed from the dial pad, call log, or record list, the system looks up a matching record and pops it up for your preview. For details, see our content on screen pop.

Depending on the number you call, you go through one of three calling experiences:

  • Single match: The number you are calling is associated with a single CRM record. By default, single-match calls bring up record records via screen pop.
  • Multiple match: The number you are calling is associated with multiple CRM records.
  • No match: The number you are calling is not associated with any of your CRM records.

Receive calls

When you receive an inbound call, the app notifies you of an incoming call and indicates if the caller is a known record or not. When you receive a call, the system looks up a matching record and pops it up for your preview. For details, see our content on screen pop.

Depending on the caller number, you go through one of three calling experiences:

  • Single match: The number is associated with a single CRM record. By default, single-match calls bring up the records via screen pop.
  • Multiple match: The number is associated with multiple CRM records.
  • No match: The number is not associated with any of your CRM records.

Use call controls

While on a call in 8x8 Work for Copper, you have access to call controls that enhance your calling experience. Using the call controls, you can:

  • Hold : Place the caller on hold, or resume a held call.
  • Transfer : Transfer the caller to another user.
  • Merge : If multiple lines are available on your extension, you can combine the current caller with another record to create a three-way call.

    Click New line above the call control panel, and dial the desired number. Once the new party answers the call, you can merge your two calls into a three-way conference.

    Note: The ability to make additional calls depends on how your 8x8 Work extension is set up.

  • Record : Start or stop call recording. After the call ends, you can access and download the recording by opening your 8x8 Work and opening the Call recordings tab from the navigation menu.

    Note: Before recording a call, please review applicable call recording laws in your vicinity or region.

Log calls

Upon terminating a call, 8x8 Work for Copper generates a call log. The call log includes information such as the transaction ID, the time the call was answered, and the call duration. A call log is created for inbound and outbound interactions, and is automatically saved as a Task in CRM. These call logs are available for future reference and can be updated; you can access them by searching in CRM, or by opening the call details in 8x8 Work for Copper and clicking the Notes icon.

Depending on the number of matches, call log can be linked to the end-user record as follows:

  • Single match: If there is a matching record, the call log is created and associated as an activity to the record by default.
  • Multiple matches: If there are multiple matching records, the call log is created and associated as an activity to the first record in the list. You can search for another record and link the call to it.
  • No match: In the absence of a matching record, the call log is not linked to any record.

Track incomplete call logs

We recommend that you complete and save your call logs immediately after a call ends; this ensures that the call log is as complete and accurate as possible. If agents are busy and unable to complete the call log activity immediately after the call, they can do so at their leisure by accessing the logs from 8x8 Work for Copper.

To finish and save a previously-uncompleted call log:

  1. Open the Call log tab in the integration panel to see the list of recently handled calls.
  2. From the list of calls, hover over the desired call, and click the Notes icon to open the call log for further editing. A screen pops up in a new browser window.
  3. To the right of the screen, view the call log information. Edit the name field to an unassigned call, and confirm.