Handle voicemails with 8x8 Contact Center for 1CRM
For agents assigned to voicemail queues, the Phone tab enables you to process voicemail interactions as a subset of phone interactions. Unlike phone interactions, voicemail interactions cannot be transferred or forwarded.
To receive or send voicemails using 8x8 Contact Center for 1CRM, you must:
- Be a member of a voicemail queue.
- Place yourself in the Available status.
The data lookup for searching in 1CRM is via a phone number. For voicemail interactions, the screen pop and call log tasks are similar to phone interactions. When a voicemail is offered, the Phone tab blinks red. If the voicemail is from an existing customer, the customer record pops allowing you to preview the customer details.
To process a voicemail interaction:
Click to accept the voicemail in the Control Panel.
Note: The Reject interaction button is disabled if your contact center administrator has not granted the permission. This prevents agents from rejecting the interactions they are offered.
- After listening to the voicemail message, hang up your agent telephone, or in the Phone tab of the integration, click End Call.
- At the termination of the voicemail, a call log (Event) is automatically generated and pops in a new browser tab. Event typically includes information on the transaction ID, call initiation time, call termination time, call duration, and more.
- If applicable, click End Post Processing, or wait for the voicemail to terminate.