View Notifications

When you are logged in to the L'application mobile Virtual Office on your device, you can receive device-based notifications for various communications. You can open the notifications you receive to be taken to the relevant screen in the application, or ignore them.

Swipe a notification to open it from your lock screen or from outside the L'application mobile Virtual Office to view response options. You can receive notifications for the following interactions:

Remarque : pour afficher les notifications en temps réel, vous devez être connecté à l'L'application mobile Virtual Office sur votre appareil. Si vous êtes déconnecté de l'L'application mobile Virtual Office, les notifications sont uniquement visibles lorsque vous vous reconnectez.

To enable notifications on your device:

  1. In your device Settings, search for Virtual Office.
  2. Tap Notifications.
  3. Enable Allow Notifications.


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