Log in

Click https://login.8x8.com to log in to 8x8 Contact Center applications. Whether you are a supervisor or an agent, you can sign into any of these roles with a unified username and password. Every user in 8x8 Contact Center receives a system-generated email notification with the login credentials. The email includes the login URL, username, a temporary password, and a link to create a password. Click the link to set your password and log in.

To log in to 8x8 Agent WorkspaceClosed:

  1. In your preferred browser, enter https://login.8x8.com/.
  2. In the 8x8 login page, enter your username or email and click Continue.

  3. Enter your password and click Login.
  4. The 8x8 application panel launches listing all the applications available to you.

  5. Select the Contact Center AgentClosed application to launch.
    By default, 8x8 Agent Workspace launches in the On Break status.

    Note: 8x8 Agent Workspace passwords are case-sensitive. If your access to 8x8 Agent Workspace is denied due to IP address restrictions, an automatic email is sent to your 8x8 Contact Center administrator. The administrator is then able to give you the access authorization.

  6. Click Ready to work to initiate the session.
  7. You can select Change status > Work Offline to temporarily stop the interactions from being offered while you configure your account.