Inbound chat workflow

Chat interactions flowing into 8x8 Contact Center stay in a chat queue until an agent is available. The following sequence explains the inbound chat work flow:

  1. When an agent's status is Available, the longest waiting chat in the queue is offered to the agent.
  2. 8x8 Contact Center searches the Local CRM database for existing customer records based on account number, case number, or any arbitrary data passed during the interaction.
  3. If the chat request is from an existing customer, the relevant customer or case record is presented to the agent through screen pop. In the absence of a matching record, a new customer record entry pops up.
  4. A screen pop occurs either before or after the agent accepts an interaction, based on the screen pop settings configured by the contact center administrator.
  5. The agent processes the chat, and may select transaction codes to indicate chat disposition. Selecting transaction codes may be optional or mandatory based on the settings.
  6. On ending the chat, the agent gets post-processing time for a final wrap-up before the chat terminates. If codes are mandatory, the interaction stays in post-processing mode until codes are selected.
  7. At the termination of the chat, 8x8 Contact Center may create an auto call log. If the administrator has configured auto logs, one of the following auto log events occurs:

    • screen pop auto log in view mode
    • screen pop auto log in edit mode
    • no screen pop

      Note: Auto log of interactions requires administrator configuration.

The sequence of events in an inbound chat flow may be represented by the following chat flow diagram: