Stop new chat interactions
We have offered 8x8 Contact Center agents the flexibility to stop new chat interactions and wrap up the chat sessions in progress while handling multi-chats. With this enhancement, agents winding up for the day can block new chat interactions being offered to them and manage the workload better. In the Control Panel, agents are offered Stop New and Resume buttons.
- Clicking Stop New blocks incoming chat requests.
- Clicking Resume allows incoming chat requests.
Note: If your administrator has granted permission to reject interactions, rejecting a chat stops new interactions from being offered. After rejecting a chat, you must click Resume to receive new interactions.
- Stop New is limited to queued chat interactions only.
- The Stop New button is only available in Busy state during multi-chat.
- Monitoring shows supervisors when the agent status changes to Busy (stop new).
To stop new interactions:
- While you are processing chat interactions, your status automatically changes to Busy.
- Click Stop New from the 8x8 Agent Workspace
The brand new interface for 8x8 Contact Center agents to receive and process customer interactions. Control Panel.
While in this state, you are not offered any new chats. - Wrap up the existing chat sessions.
On wrapping up the last chat session, your status changes to Post Processing, and then to Work Offline, instead of being offered a new chat.
To resume new interactions:
- While in Busy (stop new) status, new chat requests are blocked.
If you wish to resume, click Resume from the 8x8 AgentAgents use the Agent Console to view and manage customer interactions. Virtual Contact Center supports Regular agents and Supervisor agents. Workspace's Control Panel.
- Any queued chat request is offered to you immediately.
Begin processing chat interactions.