Insert hyperlinks in the case description

The CRM rich text editor in 8x8 Contact Center enables you to insert hyperlinks while creating cases and follow-up records. In the Description field, you can choose to insert hyperlinks by selecting a text string and linking it to a valid URL. When you click on the linked text, the browser opens the hyperlink.

To insert a hyperlink:

  1. From the Cases tab, click New Case or new follow-up.
  2. Enter the Subject and Description.
  3. In the Description field, select the text to be displayed as the hyperlink.
  4. Click from the menu. You may be prompted to allow scripted windows by your browser. Click where instructed, then click Temporarily Allow Scripted Windows in the contextual menu, and click again.
    A dialog box opens, prompting for a valid link. You can link to a URL, an anchor in the text, or an email.
  5. Enter a valid URL, and click OK. The link gets inserted in the description.