Access the contact directory

To access the contact directory in 8x8 Agent WorkspaceClosedThe brand new interface for 8x8 Contact Center agents to receive and process customer interactions., click Contacts from the bottom left side of the Control Panel. You can use the contact directory to view the list of all agents by group, the most recent contacts, and your favorite contacts. The contact directory combines users with 8x8 Contact Center and 8x8 Work licenses into a single contact. Agents are denoted with a headset icon within the contact directory. In contrast, 8x8 Work users display a person icon, making it easier to quickly identify which user you are looking for or communicating with. To quickly find a contact, you can use the search bar or use filters.

Ability to view your search history for contacts

When you click on the search field in your Contacts directory, the app displays a list of contacts you recently interacted with. This feature helps save valuable time when trying to reach people.

To clear your search history, click the search field and select the Clear search history option from the bottom of the list.

Ability to filter contacts in contact directory

The enhanced filtering capabilities in contact directory make finding your contact center and back-office colleagues even simpler and more convenient. In addition to the regular quick search box (1), you can also access additional filters by clicking the Filter (2) icon and filter the list by agent group, presence status, department, job title, location, etc. You can also select multiple filtering criteria simultaneously to identify colleagues quickly. Filters persist until cleared or until cookies are cleared from the browser's history.

Click the Filter icon to filter agents by:

The number of selected filters displays in the Filter icon and next to the name of the filter group.

Click Clear filters to remove all selected filters.

To close the filters options and view the results, click anywhere outside the filter list.