8x8 Presence Sync: Sync your status between 8x8 Agent Workspace and Microsoft Teams

User presence is an important factor when it comes to efficient communication within an organization. 8x8 Presence Sync enables the integration of Microsoft Teams presence into your 8x8 applications, as well as the presence status of 8x8 users who are on active calls in the Teams environment. This means that as an agent, when using both 8x8 Agent WorkspaceClosedThe brand new interface for 8x8 Contact Center agents to receive and process customer interactions. and Microsoft Teams to handle calls, the bi-directional presence sync will automatically update your status in both apps. The status changes in real-time but the duration may be impacted by the system load time.

This enhancement empowers you to maintain your focus while you are engaged in an interaction with customers or members of your organization.

Note: Presence Sync only updates your status in the other app when you are engaged in a call and your initial status was set to Available. If you manually change your status, Presence Sync doesn’t take effect and your status remains the same in the other app even if you are on a call.

Additionally, you will be able to view the status of Microsoft Teams users within your organization from your Contacts directory.

Let’s say Johanna, a Contact Center agent, is using 8x8 AgentClosedAgents use the Agent Console to view and manage customer interactions. Virtual Contact Center supports Regular agents and Supervisor agents. Workspace to handle customer queries, and Microsoft Teams to communicate with members of the organization. When Johanna answers a call in 8x8 Agent Workspace, the status changes to Busy in 8x8 Agent Workspace and In a call in Microsoft Teams. After ending the customer call, Johanna’s status changes to Available in both apps. Because the status is now Available, Lynne reaches out via a Teams call to discuss a billing issue. The status in Teams changes to In a call. To reflect the change, Presence Sync updates Johanna’s status in 8x8 Agent Workspace to Working Offline to prevent her from being offered incoming customer calls while talking to Lynne. After ending the call, Johanna’s status changes to Available in both apps, and she can now be offered a new customer interaction in 8x8 Agent Workspace.

Note: The presence status is only updated when users are on a call. The status changes in real-time but the duration may be impacted by the system load time.

Presence sync mapping

When the bi-directional Presence Sync is enabled, your presence is mapped across Microsoft Teams and 8x8 Agent Workspace, thus helping users stay informed about your availability in real-time.

The following table lists how your presence displays in Microsoft Teams, based on the status in 8x8 Agent Workspace:

8x8 Agent Workspace status Microsoft Teams status
Available Available
Busy In a call
Work Offline No change to the status
Break No change to the status
Wrap-up No change to the status

The following table lists how your presence displays in 8x8 Agent Workspace, based on the status in Microsoft Teams:

Microsoft Teams status 8x8 Agent Workspace status
Available Available
In a call Work Offline
Busy No change to the status
Do not disturb No change to the status
Appear offline No change to the status
Be right back No change to the status