Manage call recording

With call recording capability, 8x8 users can record calls and meetings, listen to, filter by date and type, download, and delete. Phone system and contact center administrators can configure call recording settings per user and can access call recordings using the call recording app.

Once a call is recorded, you can access it under the main menu Home / Call Recordings screen. If a user deletes a recorded call on their end, it still shows up for the supervisor and in the Configuration Manager. See how to set up call recording for each user.

The new call recording app is not available to 8x8 Contact Center users without a unified login. These users can continue to access and download the recordings using an FTP client. To learn more about call recordings, see Access agent recorded calls.

Access call recordings

To access call recordings:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your user credentials and click Login.
  3. In the 8x8 Application Panel, select the Admin Console tile.

  4. The Admin Console Home screen displays. Select the Recordings tile.

    The Home / Call Recordings screen displays. You can access call recordings from here.

Manage recordings

You can manage recordings by following these instructions: