Handle calls with the Outlook plug-in

By this time, you have installed and configured 8x8 Microsoft Integration with Outlook. When you configured the plug-in, you associated your extension number with Outlook via 8x8 Work for Desktop. Now the plug-in can use this extension to make calls. It also listens for calls coming to your extension.

Important: In order for 8x8 Microsoft Integration to function, ensure that you are using the appropriate plug-ins:
-Download version 6.1.2 of the plug-in for calling with Skype for Business.
-Download version 6.0 of the plug-ins for meetings with Outlook and calling with Outlook.

Note: The Outlook plug-in does not store the user's contact information, but instead functions as a dialer and uses information available in Outlook and 8x8 Work for Desktop at the time a call is made or received.

Use the Outlook plug-in

The application allows you to dial your Outlook contacts whether you have their numbers listed as:

  • Four-digit 8x8 extensions
  • Standard phone numbers (such as 10-digit US phone numbers)
  • International numbers with country codes