Agent-to-Agent Chat

Agents can have an unlimited number of chats with other agents of the same tenant.

To initiate a chat with an agent:

  1. In 8x8 Agent Console, find the agent you wish to chat with from the agents list.
  2. Click on the agent’s name and select Start a chat.
    The chat window opens.
  3. Type your message and click Send or press Enter.

    Note:  Status icons indicate pending agent chat messages. These icons disappear when you respond to the message. For a complete description of the status icons refer to Table 1: Multi Chat Indicators

  4. Click End to finish a chat session.

    Note: There is no accept or reject button for agent-to-agent chat. The chats are received automatically.

As agent B, the moment you receive a chat request from agent A, the number on the chat tab starts blinking red. In addition, indicates a chat requires your response. Notice that agent A appears in the Agent List.

To process an incoming chat from an agent:

  1. In 8x8 Agent Console click on the Chat tab.
  2. Start typing your response in Your Message text box.
  3. Click Send.

Concept Link IconSee Also