Step 3: Configure the outbound setup for campaigns

For campaigns to function successfully, they need to connect to the 8x8 Contact Center Local CRM, extract data from the Customer object, and generate a target calling list.

Note: The progressive and predictive dialing campaigns support call lists from the Local CRM out of the box. For external CRMs, the call lists must be imported into the Local CRM. Learn about the prerequisites and how to import the customer list in CSV format and how to add customers using the CRM API.

Outbound setup enables you to define global properties for all campaigns by:

  1. Specifying the target CRM properties
  2. Defining CRM fields relevant to campaigns
  3. Uploading pre-recorded messages to be accessed by campaigns
  4. Mapping transaction codes to disposition actions

Learn more about the 8x8 Outbound Setup.

The following steps are essential to ensure the custom phone fields are included in campaigns and dialed in a specified order.