Create FAQ categories

In 8x8 Contact Center SupervisorClosedAn agent with the supplementary privileges required to create FAQ categories and answers, monitor agent interactions in progress, listen to recordings of previous interactions, and create reports for the agents groups they supervise. Console, FAQ categories serve as containers for one or more FAQ answers. Before you can create the first FAQ, you must create the containing category.

To create an FAQ category:

  1. Log in to 8x8 Supervisor Console.

    Note: The privilege to create and edit FAQs is limited to supervisors.

  2. From the Control Panel menu, select Help > FAQ.
    8x8 Supervisor Console displays the Frequently Asked Questions window.
  3. In the Frequently Asked Questions window, click New Category.
    8x8 Supervisor Console displays the Add Category dialog box.
  4. In the Add Category dialog box, enter the name of the FAQ category. Then, you can do the following:
  5. Click Save.
    The new FAQ category appears in the list of FAQ categories.

Edit or delete FAQ categories

To edit an existing FAQ category:

  1. Go to the FAQ window in 8x8 Supervisor Console.
  2. Click Edit Category.
    The Edit Category dialog box opens.
  3. Make the desired changes in the category, and save.

To delete an FAQ category:

Before you can delete an FAQ category, you must delete all FAQ answers defined within that category.

  1. Log in to 8x8 Supervisor Console.
    Only supervisors can create or edit FAQ categories.
  2. In the Control Panel menu, click Help > FAQ.
    8x8 Supervisor Console displays the Frequently Asked Questions window.
    For details, see Create FAQ Answers.
  3. In the Add FAQ Category window:
    1. In the list of FAQ categories, click a category.
    2. In the list of FAQ answers, for each answer contained in the FAQ category, click Delete.
    3. In the confirmation box to delete, click OK.
  4. After deleting all FAQ answers contained in the FAQ category, in the list of categories on the left, click Delete.
  5. Click OK in the delete confirmation dialog box.
    8x8 Supervisor Console deletes the selected FAQ category.

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