Access chat transcripts
In 8x8 Contact Center, we offer supervisors the capability to access transcripts of chat conversations between agents and customers. Using the Monitoring privilege, supervisors can access internal (agent-to-agent) and external (customer-to-agent) chat transcripts. 8x8 Contact Center saves all chat messages automatically, and cannot be disabled.
As a supervisor, you can:
- Access saved chat interactions using the Monitoring > Playback tab.
- Discern between internal and external records.
- Search chat records by specific data fields.
- Filter chat records by queue, agent, or channel.
- Sort the records by column headers.
- Select a different time zone to view the chat record. Ability to choose different time zones.
- Search for content within a chat record.
- Access transaction details, such as duration of chat, the channel and queue it was directed through, and more.
- Access pre-chat metadata (when available) for each interaction.
- Download the transcript.
- Pop out the chat transcript window from the Monitoring tab.
Images shared during a chat are not saved while downloaded.
Access chat transcripts
As a supervisor, you can log in to 8x8 SupervisorAn agent with the supplementary privileges required to create FAQ categories and answers, monitor agent interactions in progress, listen to recordings of previous interactions, and create reports for the agents groups they supervise. Console, sort, search, and filter for desired chat transcripts.
To view chat transcripts:
- Log in to 8x8 Supervisor Console.
- From the Control Panel menu, select Monitoring.
- In the Monitoring window, select the Playback tab.
- Select Chat to access all chat transcripts.
A list of available chat transcripts shows.- To filter, click Filter Window. Select the desired filter criteria for queues, agents, and channels.
- To sort, click any desired column header. The list gets sorted alphabetically, numerically, or by date.
- For a custom search, use the Advanced Search option. Create a desired search query, and click Search.
- Click the desired chat transcript from the list to view the details.
- To view the transaction details, click the Transaction tab on the right-hand side.
- To view the pre-chat metadata, click the Pre-chat tab. The tab shows only if the chat included a pre-chat form.
- To download the chat transcript, click Download on the right-hand side. It saves the transcript as a text file.
- To search for a keyword within the transcript, enter the keyword in the search box. If found, all instances of the string are highlighted within the record.
- To pop out the chat transcript window, click
Monitor transferred chat interactions
As an 8x8 Contact Center supervisor, you want to track how efficiently chat interactions are being handled by agents. When agents transfer interactions, you want to understand the reason for transfer, was it transferred to the right department? Did the agent ask all the right questions before transferring? Did the agent accepting the transferred conversation receive all the necessary information to handle the chat? Get answers to all your questions in your Monitoring tool.
- Log in to 8x8 Agent Console
8x8 Contact Center's browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) used by Agents to manage customer interactions. as a supervisor.
- From the menu, go to Monitoring.
- In the Playback tab, select Chat. You will see the list of chat interactions for a specified time range.
- From the list, select a specific transaction to view the transaction details as well as the chat transcription for that leg.
If the details indicate that it was a transferred chat, you can fetch the previous transaction ID, look for it in the list, and bring up the details (see below).
Select a time zone in the recorded chat
By default, each chat transcript is shown in the tenant time zone. You can select a time zone from the following choices:
- Supervisor timezone: Shows the chat time in the time zone of the supervisor.
- Contact timezone: Shows the chat time in the contact's time zone.
- Agent
Agents use the Agent Console to view and manage customer interactions. Virtual Contact Center supports Regular agents and Supervisor agents. timezone: Show the chat time in the time zone of the agent.
- Other timezone: Allows you to change to any available option for GMT.
To select a time zone in the recorded chat, in the Monitoring window, select Playback > Chat. Click the Supervisor timezone drop-down box to see other options.