Classic Agent groups feature

As an 8x8 Contact Center administrator, you can see the groups, number of agents in each group, outbound phone codes assigned to each group, and if the agent's recording is enabled. Outbound Phone Codes offer a means to set a specific calling line identifier (caller ID) and to set an optional outbound queue for outbound calls from your tenant. Outbound Phone Codes may also be used to track the purpose of an outbound call. For details on the functionality and configuration of Outbound Phone Codes, refer to Outbound Phone Codes Overview.

Administrators go to the Agent Groups tab in 8x8 Configuration Manager to:

Note: As a member of an agents group, you can view the status and availability of fellow group members in the status tab of your 8x8 Agent Console.

Add an agent group and assign to outbound phone codes

To add an agent group you need to complete a two-step process: define group properties, and assign outbound phone codes.

To add a new agent group:

  1. From the Configuration Menu, open Agent Groups. You can mark and select your default agent group. You can also clone, edit, or delete the agent groups from this page.
  2. Click to add an Agent Group.

  3. In the General tab enter a Group Name. Enter the required information and click Save. The Outbound Phone Codes tab opens.
  4. The following table summarizes the options found under Agent Groups > General and Agent Groups > Outbound Phone Codes:

    Option Description
    General tab  
    Set As Default Indicates the default group for your tenant. Select another group if you wish to change default from ungroup.
    Group Name Indicates the descriptive name for the group such as Sales or Support groups. Members of one group are not able to view members of any other group.

    Note:Ungroup is a default agent group. It allows you to create agents quickly without requiring you to create a group beforehand. While creating an agent, the system automatically assigns the agent to the default agent group. You can create a new group later and use it instead of the default group.

    Comment A description of the group's purpose of specialty.
    Default Agent Display Name Select whether you want to display the word Agent or the agent's first name such as <Robin>. The agent's display name appears in 8x8 Agent Console. Reset all agents, clears all custom display names. This group setting can be overwritten at the tenant level.
    Allow Agents to Change Display Name Allows agents to change their display name in the 8x8 Agent Console's Profile page. Display Name helps agents save time and effort to introduce themselves to customers every time they start a new chat. The agent's display name appears in the 8x8 Agent Console's control panel, Profile page, chat window, and CRM case created after a chat session. It can be modified by the 8x8 Contact Center administrator in the 8x8 Configuration Manager, or if permitted, by the agents in 8x8 Agent Console. The changes immediately show up in both applications. To prevent agents from changing their display name at the tenant level, clear the Allow Agents to Change the Display Name checkbox under Home > Profile.
    • To prevent agents from changing their display name at the tenant level, Clear the Allow Agents to Change the Display Name checkbox under Home > Profile. If disabled, this option does not appear at the agent groups level.
    • To prevent agents from changing their display name at the group level, clear the Allow Agents to Change the Display Name checkbox from the Agent Group. This option only appears if it is enabled at the tenant level.
    Enable Agent's My Recording Functionality Indicates if the agent can record the conversation. This option allows agents to record a voice message for the incoming calls.
    Allow Agents to Reject Interactions This option is enabled by default allowing agents to reject interactions. If disabled, the Reject button in 8x8 Agent Console is disabled preventing agents from rejecting the interactions they are offered. The Reject button in 8x8 Agent Console appears when an interaction is offered to the agent. You can set up this ability for an agent group, or individual agents. If you disable this option at the tenant level, the checkbox will not show up for agent groups or individual agents.
    Agent Experience Selection

    Transfers all agents in the agent group to the selected agent experience from one of the following options:

    • Agent Console
    • Agent Workspace - activated for entire group
    • Flexible - Allows agents within this group to switch between Agent Console and Agent Workspace

    Note: Changes done here override settings at the tenant level in the Home > Profile tab.

    Phone Connection Mode

    Default Connection Mode can be On Demand or Persistent:

    • On Demand connection mode: On Demand Connection Mode creates a temporary connection from the agent’s workplace phone to the system. The agents have to manually accept the call in their soft or hard phone.
    • Persistent Connection mode: Persistent Connection Mode creates a constant connection from the agent’s workplace phone to the system. Once the connection is open, it will stay active until logged out. Any changes to the setting will remain in effect for the whole duration of the agent’s persistent connection.
    Enable Auto Answer If enabled, every phone interaction that is offered to an agent is automatically connected eliminating the need to accept it manually.
    Outbound Phone Codes tab  
    Assign Select a check box to assign an outbound phone code to your tenant. Note that you need to create an outbound code list before being able to assign it.
    Active Displays a read-only indication of the active outbound phone codes.
    Outbound Phone list Indicates the outbound phone name assigned to that group.
    Number of Agents Number of agents in that group.
  5. Click Save to successfully create a new agent group.

Reassign an agent group membership

To reassign an agent to a different group:

  1. Log in to the 8x8 Configuration Manager.
  2. From the Configuration Menu, open Users.
    A list of agents and their groups appears.
  3. Look for the group you are planning to delete, and click .
  4. In the General tab, go to Agent Group.
  5. Select a different group from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click Save to assign the agent to the new group.
  7. Continue the above search and reassignment for all the agents belonging to the group you are planning to delete.