Map disposition code

Campaign calls seldom reach the desired number of contacts after a single pass through a list. Therefore, campaign lists are recycled using disposition codes from earlier cycles to alter selection and sort strategies to create new campaigns. The transaction codes, which indicate call outcomes, can be used to determine how a campaign call needs to be processed further. 8x8 Contact Center administrators can map transaction codes to automated disposition actions in 8x8 Configuration Manager for better processing of campaign calls.

Every attempted campaign call may be labeled with a disposition action for follow-up. The supported disposition actions are Try Again, Schedule Call Back, and Do not Call.
The following table summarizes the resulting disposition actions with examples:

Disposition Action Resulting Action
Schedule Call back 
  • Prompts an agent to schedule a callback time.
  • Sends a reminder to the agent before the scheduled time if the agent is logged in to their 8x8 Agent Console or Salesforce account.
  • Sends a past-due reminder If the agent logs in past the scheduled time.
  • The agent has to manually place an outbound call at the scheduled time.
For example, if you mapped a 'Busy, Callback' code with a 'Schedule Call Back' action, when an agent selects the 'Busy, Callback' code, the agent is immediately prompted to schedule a time for the callback. A reminder is sent half an hour before the scheduled time.
Try Again 
  • Offers a call to the contact based on the Retry properties defined for that campaign.
  • Retries the call as often and as many times as defined in the Retry properties.
  • Drops the record from the campaign list after going through the stated number of retry attempts.
For example, if you failed to reach a contact, you mapped a ‘Reached Voicemail' code with a 'Try Again' action, the campaign offers a call to the same contact based on the retry properties defined for that campaign.
Do not Call allows marking records, and updating a CRM field with Do not Call disposition information.
For example, the Lead object in Salesforce CRM has a standard Do not Call field. During a campaign call, you can update this field automatically by mapping a transaction code with Do not Call disposition action.

The disposition actions get recorded in the Campaign Transaction Details report. A supervisor can monitor this report, and follow up with suitable actions.

To access the Disposition Action tab:

  1. Go to Outbound Setup > Disposition Action. The tab opens the existing transaction code lists assigned to queues.

    Note: Disposition actions apply to transaction code lists assigned to queues only. You cannot map code lists assigned to agent groups.

  2. Select a code from the list, and assign an appropriate Disposition Action from the drop-down list. The supported actions are Try Again, Schedule Callback, and Do not Call. Select None where other actions do not apply.

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