Introducing the Ring Groups Summary report
In the Analytics for 8x8 Work 2.4 release, as part of the migration to our new analytics platform, we have promoted the Ring Groups Summary report to be the primary report for ring group data. We expect to discontinue the legacy Ring Group reports in the next several months. This report contains the same metrics offered in the legacy reports, with significant improvements in usability and performance.
The enhanced Ring Group Summary report has replaced the Ring Group Listing and Ring Group Detail reports. With the enhanced Ring Group Summary report, you can:
- Enjoy easier and faster reporting.
- Enjoy more flexible metric comparisons.
- Access related call records easily (Let’s say a ring group shows a few abandoned calls, simply sort and find the call detail records of abandoned calls.)
- Filter ring group data by sites.
- Access call details records for every call handled by ring groups. Take a deeper look at the call legs or simply view the call summary.
- Download member summaries for any ring group. (New)
- Select the desired columns in your report to meet your business needs.
To access the Ring Groups Summary beta report:
- Log into Analytics for 8x8 Work.
- Go to Ring Group > Ring Groups Summary from the menu. The Ring Group Summary report launches.
Access Ring Group data charts
You can access comparative data for all ring groups using the following data charts:
- The Call Volume Comparison chart offers comparative metrics for total inbound, answered, missed, abandoned, and voice calls
. - The Call Time Comparison chart shows comparative metrics for Total Talk Time,for all the ring groups.
- The Average Time Comparison chart shows comparative metrics for Average Talk Time, Average Ring Time, and Average RG
Ring Group is a group of extensions grouped together to share distribution of incoming calls. Time, and Average Abandoned Time for ring groups.
Access Call Detail Records of ring group calls
The new report now offers integrated call detail records (CDRs) for all ring group calls. You can access CDRs related specifically to the displayed summaries, and can download them as call records or call legs.
Let’s say you are reviewing call details of a transferred ring group call, it is currently presented as two individual call legs with detailed call data. While the individual call leg metrics are quite helpful for investigation or analysis, they can be challenging to consume. For example, if you want summary values by call for metrics such as total talk time or total ring time of the entire call, you would need to sum up those time metrics of the two individual call legs. With CDRs presented as call records, you can get the consolidated data in a simple click.
To access call details records for ring group calls:
- Log into Analytics for 8x8 Work.
- Go to Ring Group > Ring Group Summary from the menu. The Ring Group Summary report launches.
- Scroll down, click View. A pop-up window launches presenting the call detail records.
- If you wish to view detailed call legs (formerly the default view), select Call legs from the menu.
Glossary: Ring Groups Summary
This report tracks call traffic and average call handling times for each ring group.
Column | Description |
Ring Group Extension | Extension number of the ring group |
Ring Group Name | Name of the ring group |
Total Members | Total number of members that were offered calls |
Total Calls | Total number of calls entering the ring group extension. |
Answered | Number of incoming calls answered live; includes repeat answers within the same Call ID. |
Total Answered | Total number of incoming calls answered live. |
Missed | Number of calls that were NOT answered live; includes repeat interactions within the same Call ID. |
Total Missed | Total number of incoming calls that were NOT answered live. |
Abandoned | Number of incoming calls abandoned by callers before being answered live or reaching voicemail; includes repeat interactions within the same Call ID. |
Total Abandoned | Total number of incoming calls abandoned by callers before being answered live or reaching voicemail. |
Voicemail | Number of incoming calls that reached voicemail. |
Total Voicemail | Total number of incoming calls that reached voicemail |
Total RG (Ring Group) Time | Total time spent (ring time + talk time + voicemail time) by callers in a specific ring group. It includes multiple visits during the same call. |
Total Ring Time | Total time callers experienced ringing. This is the cumulative time spent ringing for ring group members before being answered or missed. |
Total Talk Time | Total time all callers engaged with a ring group member. This is the total duration of the live answered calls (Stop Time, minus Answer Time). |
Total Abandoned Time | Total time callers waited, since the last successful transfer, before disconnecting. Cumulative duration of all abandoned calls to this ring group extension (all calls where caller ends the call before being answered). Abandoned Time for ring group is time spent where the caller ends the call after it was transferred to the ring group extension, but before being answered. |
Average RG time | Average time (ring time + talk time + voicemail time) spent by callers in a ring group. |
Average Ring Time | Average time a caller experienced ringing. |
Average Talk Time | Average time a caller engaged with a member. |
Average Abandoned Time | Average time a Caller waited, since the last successful transfer, before disconnecting. |
Site | Site that the ring group is assigned to. |
Glossary: Ring Group Member Details
This report tracks call traffic for each ring group member. If Joe and Robin are members of the Support ring group, you can now track the number of calls each member has answered, their total talk time and more.
Column | Description |
Member Extension | Extension number of the ring group member |
First Name | First name of the user assigned to the member extension |
Last Name | First name of the user assigned to the member extension |
Total Calls | Total number of incoming unique call IDs offered at least once to the ring group member |
Offered | This metric is applicable to ring group members only. It is the total number of calls offered to a ring group member. This includes multiple attempts for the same call ID. |
Answered | Total number of incoming calls answered live by a ring group member; includes repeat answers within the same callId (Offered = Answered + Advanced) |
Advanced |
Total number of incoming calls that were offered to the ring group member but NOT answered; includes repeat offers within the same call ID (Offered = Answered + Advanced). |
Total Talk Time | Total time all callers engaged with a ring group member. This is the total duration of the live answered calls (Stop Time, minus Answer Time). |
Average Talk Time | Average time a caller engaged with a ring group member |
Total Ring Time |
Total time callers experienced ringing |
Average Ring Time | Average time Callers experienced ringing. This is the average time spent ringing for the ring group member before being answered. |
Computation scenarios for the Total Calls metric
In the Ring Group Summary report, the Total Calls counts the total number of unique calls received by the ring group extension that were answered or missed. There are cases when the Total Answered/Missed/Abandoned metric is bigger then the Total Calls metric, as the Total Answered/Missed/Abandoned metrics counts each interaction with the Ring Group within the same call ID.
Scenario 1 - Answered inbound call ID
Let’s say a ring group has 2 members logged in, and the ring group receives a call initiated by a caller outside the ring group.
During the same call ID:
- Member 1 answers the incoming call.
- Member 1 transfers the call back to the ring group.
- Member 2 answers the call.
Note: For the ring group, the Total Answered metric counts the calls that were answered live within the same call ID (the call answered by Member 1 + the call answered by Member 2). No abandoned call was counted, as the caller did not abandon the call.
The counters indicates:
- Total Inbound = 1
- Total Answered = 2
Scenario 2 - Missed inbound call ID
Let’s say a ring group receives a call initiated by a caller outside the ring group.
During the same call ID:
- No member of the ring group answers the incoming call, and the incoming call is forwarded to another user, based on the call following rule applied to this user.
- User 1 answers.
- User 1 transfers the call back to the same ring group.
- No one answers the call.
- Caller abandons.
Note: For the ring group, the Total Missed metric counts the calls that were NOT answered live within the same call ID (the first forwarded call + the call forwarded by User 1).
The counters indicates:
- Total Inbound = 1
- Total Missed = 2