8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics 5.7 Release Notes

This release describes how to evaluate coaching feedback for Quality Management.

About evaluation coaching feedback for Quality Management

8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics provides a new enhancement that lets an evaluator notify an agent’s supervisor/trainer that an agent requires coaching. Coaching feedback can be documented and tracked within the Quality Management application. Tracking coaching feedback ensures that feedback is documented and that the agent is coached within a reasonable time frame.


This release impacts the following audiences:

  • 8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics customers
  • 8x8 Contact Center customers
  • 8x8 Conversation IQ customers


With Evaluation coaching, 8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics offers these features:

  • Quality Management administrators set up coaching preferences and assign them to a template which is used to evaluate an agent.
  • Evaluators/trainers or supervisors can evaluate and score an agent based on an interaction, flag the evaluation as coaching required, and notify the designated supervisor that coaching is required (through email).
  • The agent and supervisor are notified that an evaluation is complete, and that coaching is required.
  • The supervisor/coach can add their coaching comments on the evaluation.
  • The agent acknowledges that they did or did not receive coaching.

Use case

Nancy is one of the supervisors in the contact center at AcmeJets, an airline operating in the United States. AcmeJets operates domestic flights across the country, and handles numerous interactions with the customers via their contact center. Whether booking tickets, changing or canceling tickets, or simply checking the flight schedule, Nancy’s team of agents are constantly busy assisting customers during call interactions.

Pat is an evaluator who is evaluating agent Shawn’s call interaction with a customer. While filling out Shawn’s evaluation, Pat recommends that Shawn be coached by his supervisor, Nancy, to help him improve his interactions with customers. Pat writes comments in either the individual questions or at the overall comment level so Nancy can understand what Shawn needs to be coached on.

Nancy receives an email notification asking her to write coaching comments. After reviewing Pat's comments in Shawn's evaluation Nancy coaches Shawn 1:1.

After coaching Shawn, she documents her coaching comments in Shawn’s evaluation report. Shawn then receives an email notification asking him to acknowledge if he received coaching. He confirms whether he received the coaching, and his confirmation is recorded in his evaluation report.

Coaching feedback workflow steps

These steps provide an end-to-end workflow from setting up coaching preferences to tracking coaching comments in an evaluation report.