8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics 5.0 Release Notes

We have introduced the following enhancements and improvements in the 8x8 Quality Management and Speech Analytics 5.0 release:

New Search Experience

Take advantage of our basic and advanced search capabilities at the same time! For details, please refer to our documentation on 8x8 Speech Analytics.

Previous versions of the RocketIQ software had filtering capabilities divided between basic and advanced filtering. Users preferred using the basic filters, considered more straightforward compared to the advanced filters. This release is intended to change this habit and ensure that customers can benefit from the full range of the comprehensive filtering options that the application supports.

New search exists on all application pages, including but not limited to:

  • Interactions Search
  • Evaluations Search
  • Settings
  • Reporting

Ability to Use Search Chips

The “Filter by” drop-down is replaced with a long search bar. Click inside the search bar to reveal filters. The “Saved filters” option is always displayed at the top. Users can choose a filter as they scroll through the list, or they can start typing the filter name to narrow down the number of results. Filters are shown in alphabetical order.

Ability to Use Empty Filters

Some users wanted the ability to create the "Agent Name is" filter, and leave it empty. This way, users could choose a different selection each day, but this ability was previously unavailable. In this release, you can use chips with your filters to customize a portion of your filter as needed; a dotted line under the filter indicates that the filter was saved as empty. For example, you can save a filter as "Agent Name is", and fill in the actual name you are looking for by using a search chip.

Improved Date Picker

In this release, you can select date ranges and predetermined search criteria (such as "Yesterday") much more quickly and easily.

Support for Filtering List Item Visibility Based on User Permissions

In previous versions, users could open filtering lists and see the names of other users who they were not authorized to see; despite the listed users being inaccessible, their visibility in filtering lists caused confusion. In this release, users only see filtering list items that they are authorized to see.

Support for Evaluation Visibility Based on User Permissions

Filtering lists for evaluations now take into account the permissions to see or use templates; if a user is not authorized for a template, they cannot see or use that template.

Improved Field Names and Descriptions

Many fields in the application were completely renamed. This was done to make field names more intuitive for users and, because filters are organized alphabetically, to group related items together.

The following fields have been renamed to enable users to better understand the purpose of the field, as well as better grouping of related fields in alphabetical lists. We've also include practical descriptions for each field, to help the user better identify the purpose of the field itself.

Former name Current name
Agent Speech Spoken words by agent
Agent Topics Topic by agent
Answer to question Evaluation answer to question
Answers Evaluation answers
Audio Size File size (audio only)
Calibrated Evalutation Evaluation calibration
Caller Id Caller phone number
Caller Speech Spoken words by caller
Caller Topics Topic by caller
Category Topic category
Clarity Average agent clarity overall
Comments Evaluation comments
Conference Occurrences Conferences
Dialed Number Number dialed
Direction Interaction direction
Duration Interaction duration
Evaluation Updated By Evaluation modified by
Extension Extension number
GUID Interaction GUID
Has Evaluations Evaluations Exist
Has Met Goal Evaluation goal met
Has Transcriptions Is transcribed
Hold Occurrences Holds
Media Size File size (audio and video)
Media Type Interaction type
More Than Speech matched
Mute Occurrences Mute count
Overall Emotion Average emotion overall
Overtalk Average over-talk
Parent UIID UIID - Snipped parent
Possible Points Evaluation possible points
Question Evaluation question
Random Randomize search by
Score Evaluation overall score
Shared Is shared
Snippets Snippet source
Speech Spoken words
State Interaction status
Supervisor Agent supervisor
Tag Custom Field 26
Tag 01-15 Custom Field 01-15
Template Name Evaluation template name
Time Spent Evaluator time spent
Total Points Evaluation points earned
Trainer Agent trainer
Transaction code [01-05] VCC transaction code [1-5]
Transfer Occurred Transferred
Unique Interaction ID Unique Interaction ID (UIID)
Video Size File size (video only)

Ability to Save Favorite Filters

Not only can you create multiple tabs within the application, but now you can also create saved filters! This allows users to keep a list of favorites which are kept private for them. Simply click the white star at the end of the input to save a filter. Note that the star is only active when there are one or more chips in the input. If a filter has been successfully saved, the star icon turns yellow.

Ability to Share Your Favorite Filters

Not only can you save your favorite filters, you can now share them as well! By sharing a favorite query, you have the capability to collaborate with colleagues in an efficient and user-friendly way. When a user clicks the white star icon for a filter, the user is prompted to save the filter, and has the option to share it.

Note: It's important to remember that if you share a filter, the system only displays user records that the filtering user is authorized to see; the results of the same filtered search may be different for you and a colleague with different permissions.

Enhanced Transcript Search

Searching for transcribed text now supports searching from the end of the interaction, rather than just the beginning; in this release, you can search spoken words from "X seconds/minutes" before the end of a call.

Speaker-Based Transcript Search

Users can now search for spoken words in a call transcript based on who was speaking at the time:

  • Either Party
  • Text related only to the agent
  • Text related only to the caller

Ability to Filter Interactions by Number of Phrases in a Topic

8x8 Speech Analytics now enables you to find whether more than one unique phrase was matched within a topic.

For example:


Ability to Filter Interactions by Number of Topics in a Phrase

8x8 Speech Analytics now enables you to find whether more than one unique topic was matched within a category.

For example:


Ability to Filter Interactions by Number of Interaction Events

Users can now filter calls by the number of events that occurred in an interaction. This includes filtering by the number of times within an interaction that:

  • A caller was placed on Hold.
  • The Mute button was used.
  • A unique conference call was started.

Expanded Custom Fields

The "Tag" field was renamed to "Custom Field 26" while "Tag 01 - 15" is now named "Custom Field 01-15". In addition, we have added 10 new custom fields, which are assigned to "Custom Field 16-25".

Enhanced Excel Exporting on Average Quality Scores Report

When you export to Excel if the following report settings are in use or enabled:

Edit panel setting Improvement
Average Quality Score (Questions) Excel export includes averaged total call duration per Subtotal Row and Grand Total Row.
Col: Evaluation question Each question response now includes a total, subtotal, and grand total.
Subtotals and Grand Total N/A is also considered for each question's response, total, subtotal, and grand total.

Enhanced Excel Exporting on Evaluation Summary Report

When you export to Excel if the following report settings are in use or enabled:

Edit panel setting Export outcome now includes

Hide evaluations without comments is enabled.


Hide questions without comments is enabled, resulting in all question comments being hidden.

  • Group
  • Hire Date
  • Agent supervisor
  • Call Duration
  • Labels
  • Interaction GUID
  • UUID
  • Interaction Date
  • Evaluation Date
  • Evaluation ID
  • Evaluation template name
  • Evaluation points earned
  • Evaluation possible points
  • Evaluation overall score
  • Evaluator time spent
  • Updated By
  • Updated Date
  • Overall Comment
  • Name
  • Percentage
  • Met Goal

Hide evaluations without comments is disabled.


Hide questions without comments is disabled, resulting in all question comments being shown.

See the Note below for important information.

Includes the above columns and, for each question:

  • Template Grouping
  • Section Grouping
  • Title
  • Question Response
  • Question Comment

Note: As a best practice, use filtering when running this report to find the information you need. If the report is run with a very broad filter (or no filter), the report can result in a very large Excel download, and impact the performance of your system overall. Use this feature with targeted filters to achieve the best result.

Ability to Link to Interaction Records by Formulating a URL

Advanced customers can formulate a URL with the GUID to integrate systems. We recommend that you contact your account representative for more details before using this capability.

For example:


Improved Ability to View Supervisor and Evaluator Information in Reports

Go to Settings > Reporting > Hide evaluator information to view the new following options under Export Outcome:

  • Hide "trainer" information on print and export
  • Hide "evaluator" information on print and export
  • Hide coaching hints on print and export
  • Hide Commenter Name on print and export
  • Hide Commenter Date/Time stamp on print and export

New Interaction Playback Message for Removed Interactions

If you try to play back a recorded interaction that has surpassed the defined retention policy, you now receive a more descriptive message that the retention time for that record has passed.

Improved Coaching Hints

Coaching hints now support a maximum of 4000 characters. In addition, the presentation of coaching hints has been improved in the Evaluation Editor and Template Editor pages.

Ability to Quickly Generate Calibration Reports in Quality Management

Now in the Interactions search page, when you right-click an interaction which was subject to a QA calibration, you see an option to generate a calibration report. This also appears in the Context menu in the slide-out section when reviewing that interaction. Additionally, this functionality exists on the Evaluations search page, when the evaluation is subject to calibration if more than one evaluator has evaluated the same interaction GUID. The report generates by default with No Date Range, GUID, and the Template name as the key fields for quick calibration comparisons.

Ability to View Call Evaluation Status in Quality Management

Users receive a message if an interaction has already been evaluated, asking them whether they want to start a calibration session for this interaction. The message notifies the user that "There is already an existing evaluation for this call using the selected template. Making a new evaluation will start a calibration process!"

Ability to View the Inactive Users Check Box for Goals

For Quality Management users, Goal Settings now include the ability to show inactive users.

New Timescales Added to the Topic Trending Report

Users can now trend speech topics by hour and day; the hours are limited to 48, and the days are limited to 14.

Ability to Export Details in Search Interactions and Search Evaluations Slide-Outs

The slide-out always provides a great deal of detail. In this release, users have the ability to export details in slide-outs on a per-interaction or per-evaluation basis. Simply right-click the row for the interaction or evaluation, and select "Export Details". 8x8 Speech Analytics users also find the full transcript of the interaction this way.

Support for Current-Month Data in All Trending Reports

Previously, users were unable to view information for a month in the report when the month was still in progress, and needed to use weeks instead. This has been improved so month-by-month comparisons are easier, even before the end of the current month.