Ability to access the Network Diagnostic tool from 8x8 Work for Desktop

Ability to access the Network Diagnostic tool from 8x8 Work for Desktop

Let’s say you want to run diagnostics for the network and connectivity to 8x8 data centers and to generate logs to support troubleshooting and issues that might occur. You now can access the Network Diagnostic tool directly from the 8x8 Work for Desktop app.


- The tool requires additional ports to be allowed outboard only; for more details, see X-series technical requirement.

- Disconnect from any active VPN connection before proceeding testing.

To access the Network Diagnostic tool:

  1. From the 8x8 Work for Desktop login screen, trigger the main menu:

    • For Windows: Press the Alt key to open the main menu.
    • For Mac: The main menu displays by default.
  2. On the Help menu, click Help > Network Utility Tool to activate the utility.

Note: Before activating the Network Utility Tool, first you need to obtain an activation key, then you need to disconnect any active VPN connection.

To activate the Network Utility tool:

  1. In the Network Utility Tool screen, enter the following data:

    • Activation Key: Enter the activation key provided by the 8x8 engineers.
    • Company: Enter your company name. Avoid using spaces or underscores.
    • Site Identifier: (Optional) If you use the same activation key and company name at different locations, use the Site Identifier field to differentiate the results based on the details you send.

  2. Note: The activation key and company name are case sensitive as they form a unique combination.

  3. Click Verify .

  4. Click Start test to run the test. The test will take about 20-30 minutes to run.

  5. Optional: You can stop the test anytime, by clicking Stop test.

  6. When the test is completed, the logs are automatically downloaded to the 8x8 team.

  7. Optional: You can manually download these logs, by clicking Download Log File and save it on your computer. Now you can see the results of the test anytime.

  8. Now you can see the results of the test anytime.

To learn more about how to use the Network Utility tool and how to read the results, click here.