User provisioning attribute mappings

In 8x8 Integration with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, user provisioning attribute mappings include both default and advanced sets.

Default attribute mappings

This table shows the default set of attribute mappings for user provisioning.

Azure AD Attribute Azure AD Portal Name System for Cross-domain
Identity Management (SCIM) Attribute
8x8 Configuration Manager Name
userPrincipalName User name userName Username
objectID Object ID externalId Not visible in Configuration Manager
mail Not visible in AD portal emails[type eq "work"].value Email
Not([IsSoftDeleted]) Block sign in active User is greyed out
givenName First name name.givenName givenName
surname Last name name.familyName surname
jobTitle Job title title Job title
department Department urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:department Department
mobile Mobile phone phoneNumbers[type eq "mobile"].value Personal contact number
telephoneNumber Office phone phoneNumbers[type eq "work"].value Not visible in Configuration Manager
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Office urn:8x8:scim:schemas:extension:8x8user:2.0:User:site Site

Advanced attribute mappings

This table displays additional attributes that are available but not mapped by default. Instructions for configuration of advanced mappings is outside the scope of this guide.

System for Cross-domain
Identity Management (SCIM) Attribute
Suggested Azure AD attribute Notes
locale PreferredLanguage PreferredLanguage may be set through the AzureAD powershell module
timezone User extension attribute