Overview: 8x8 Work for Slack

8x8 Work for Slack allows users to communicate and collaborate with their non-Slack contacts. At any time, using the call icon or slash commands that integrate with 8x8, you can easily call contacts outside of Slack, or even launch an 8x8 meeting to bring your colleagues together. Whether you need to make a quick call to check on the status of a project with a colleague, or gather your team to discuss your next course of action, 8x8 Work for Slack enables you to collaborate more effectively than ever!

System requirements

8x8 Work for Slack requires:

  • 8x8 Work, and optionally, one or both of the following:
    • 8x8 Work for Mobile
    • A desk phone associated with your 8x8 Work extension
  • 8x8 Meet
  • One of the following:
    • Slack desktop app
    • Slack browser app


  • Make calls from Slack to any contact or phone number within or outside of Slack, and take full advantage of the call management features offered in 8x8 Work.
  • Launch 8x8 Meet from Slack to collaborate with your colleagues at any time; this includes inviting any participants as needed, joining a webcam video, and sharing on-screen content.