Handle chats

To receive or send chats using the 8x8 Contact Center app, you must:

  • Be a member of the queue to which the chat is routed.
  • Place yourself in Available status.

The matching data is searched and found in CRM based on the email address. To trigger a chat request, customers must enter an email ID.

To receive a new chat interaction:

  1. In the 8x8 Contact Center app, click the status menu option and change your status to Available.
    The chat notification in the app indicates an incoming chat request.
  2. Preview the record details and click to accept the chat before the acceptance interval lapses.
  3. Note: The reject interaction button is disabled if your contact center administrator has not granted the permission. This prevents agents from rejecting the interactions they are offered.

  4. If the incoming chat is from an existing customer, the customer or case record pops for preview. The screen pop behavior may vary based on the settings.
  5. If the request is from a new customer, a New Case record entry form pops up. Enter the details of the new customer, and save the customer record.
  6. Answer the customer in the chat window and click to send your message. Your chat entry is posted on the customer's chat window. You are also notified of typing in progress on either end.
  7. After finishing the chat, click . The timer indicates the time for wrap-up.
    If the post-processing countdown interval reaches zero, 8x8 Contact Center automatically sets your status to Available.
  8. You may be required to select an outcome for Disposition.
  9. Note: The 8x8 Professional Services team may provide customization for disposition codes.

  10. Click Wrap up.
  11. At the termination of the chat, a chat log may pop. The log is saved as a task. The log includes information about the time the chat was initiated, accepted, and terminated, along with the chat transcript.