Display Contacts

Customize the display of company and device contacts using:

Sort Contacts

You can search, sort, and view your contacts by first or last name. You can also search for contacts by job title, department, or location.

To change the sort order of company contacts:

  1. Tap to open the main menu.
  2. From the main menu, go to Settings > Contacts Display Options.
  3. Select your sorting and viewing preferences. For example, sort contacts by first name in alphabetical order, and show only online contacts.

Group Contacts

Grouping contacts based on category helps you locate contacts quickly. If contacts are grouped, you can expand or collapse the desired contact groups as needed.

How do I group contacts?
  1. Tap to open the main menu.
  2. From the main menu, go to Settings > Contacts Display Options.
  3. Select the Group Contacts check box. The filtering options are enabled automatically.
  4. Select Expand All to show all the contacts and their top groups.

    Select Collapse All to show the groups only and hide the contacts.

    You can tap to expand any group.
  5. Note: You must enable at least one filter to view the desired contacts.

Filter Contacts

You can filter your contact list by department, location, and more. Enabling a filter allows you to see the filter's contact category, and disabling the filter hides the contact category from your contact list.

The following filtering options are available:

To filter contacts:

  1. Tap to open the main menu.
  2. From the main menu, go to Settings > Contacts Display Options.
  3. Enable or disable any filtering options under Filter By.
  4. Open Contacts to see the changes.

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