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Use Periscope

If you are authorized, the Periscope feature allows you to view the team analytics of another user as if you were that user. Click to view a hierarchical list of managers, teams, and sub-teams available for Periscope view; if you select a team leader or manager, for example, you also select all their displayed subordinates for viewing.

Let's say Rob is a manager who is seeing unusual metrics for his team in Analytics. Using Periscope, he examines the team summary pages of his subordinates' teams, and finds the source of the unusual metrics in a specific sub-team. In this way, he gets a clearer picture of team-by-team performance, and easily sees where to focus improvements and training.

To use Periscope as an authorized user:

  1. In the top-right corner of your 8x8 Analytics page, click to open Periscope; a list of managers pops up, from which you can select whose team page you want to view.

    Note: If at some point the Periscope icon does not appear in the Analytics toolbar, it may simply be hidden. Try to refresh the page, click another icon, or temporarily reduce the zoom level of the browser page. This should make the Periscope icon visible again.

  2. Select a person whose Team View analytics page you want to view. Note that any sub-teams, as visually represented in the hierarchy, are included in the team summary you view. The names of all managers whose teams you see will turn blue when the desired manager is selected.
    In this case, Joe was selected, which includes everyone in his team, plus the sub-teams that belong to Jeff and Ryan.
  3. To view the selected team summaries, click Save View.
    To exit Periscope and return to your own Analytics pages, click Exit Periscope.


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