Note: This version of the integration is no longer supported. For the latest version of this guide, see Virtual Office for Salesforce 3.1.


Issue Possible Fix
I am unable to receive any calls
  • If your Virtual Office extension is using softphone, you must log in to one of the following soft clients:
    • 8x8 Work
    • 8x8 Work for Mobile
The screen pop does not work
  • Check your settings to ensure the objects you are expecting to pop are enabled.
  • Check your settings to ensure screen pop is set to ringing or answered.
  • For outbound calls, check your settings to ensure outbound pop is selected.
  • For UNKNOWN or MULTI-MATCH calls, automatic screen pop does not occur. Use the Assign page to open the appropriate record.
I am using Salesforce Console. I do not see the Salesforce objects I navigated to in my call log pop-up window.

Make sure the VOAPI server domain is added into the white listed domains for any Salesforce Console App that will be used with the plugin. By default Salesforce Consoles do not allow cross domain calls. Taking this step allows the Console to update the 8x8 plugin on a user's Salesforce browsing.

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Apps.
  2. Select to edit your Salesforce Console from the list.
  3. In the Whitelist Domains section, add the VOAPI server domain—
  4. Save the changes.

When I switch to a case view, the 8x8 Virtual Office app stops showing.

In Salesforce, a case page layout which controls the case view, disables the left sidebar by default. This in turn impacts the Virtual Office app. To fix the issue, you must edit the case page layout as follows.

  1. Go to Set up.
  2. Navigate to Customize > Cases > Page Layouts.
  3. From the list select to edit a desired page layout.
  4. Switch to Feed View by clicking on the link on the top right hand corner.
  5. Scroll down to Other Tools and Components section and clear the setting for Hide Sidebar.
  6. Save changes to the page layout.
    This should resolve the issue with the app.
  7. To validate, go back to a case view. The 8x8 Virtual Office app now shows up on the left side bar.