Note: This version of the integration is no longer supported. For the latest version of this guide, see Virtual Office for Salesforce 3.1.

Install and Configure the Communication Panel in Lighting Mode

Installing the Virtual Office for Salesforce Communication Panel for Salesforce Lightning requires you to walk through the following steps:


Step 1: Import the New Salesforce Call Center XML File

Note: If you installed the XML file from Salesforce Classic mode as documented above, you do not need to repeat that process; the call center will also appear in Lightning mode. In that case, skip to Step 8 below.

  1. Click this link to download the XML document.
  2. Right-click on the displayed file and select Save Page as to download the XML file to a location where you can find it.
  3. While logged in as an administrator in Salesforce, click Setup in the header.
  4. Enter <call centers> in the search box.
  5. From the resulting list, click Call Centers (plural, not singular).
  6. If you see this warning, check the box for Don’t Show Me This Page Again.
  7. In the All Call Centers page, click Import.
  8. Click Choose File, navigate to the location of the saved XML file, select it, and click Open.
  9. Click Import.
  10. After importing, you may need to edit the 8x8 Virtual Office Integration - Next Generation_Lightning.
  11. Change any other settings according to your business needs.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Add users to the call center app (Next Generation_Lightning). Enter <call centers> again in the search box.
  14. Select 8x8 Virtual Office Integration - Next Generation_Lightning.
  15. Scroll to the bottom, and select Manage Call Center Users.
  16. Click Add More Users.
  17. Identify and select users who need the Lightning version of the Virtual Office for Salesforce Communication Panel, and click Add to Call Center.
  18. Switch to the Lightning Experience in Salesforce before continuing.

Step 2: Enable CTI for Sales Users

The purpose of this section is to enable the Virtual Office for Salesforce Communication Panel to appear in the Salesforce Utility Bar for Salesforce users.

  1. Click the Setup icon in the Salesforce Lightning header.
  2. In the Quick Find search box, type App Manager, and click the link that appears in the search results.
  3. In Setup > Lightning Experience App Manager, find the appropriate application (such as Sales LightningSales). Then, click the drop-down on the far right, and select Edit to open the settings for the app.
  4. In the app settings that open, click the App Details & Branding tab.
  5. Under App Details and App Branding, customize how the app shows up to your organization. Note the appearance of the app launcher preview; you will access the app via this icon in the Salesforce app launcher.
  6. Save your app details and branding settings.
  7. Click the Utility Items tab, and then click Add Utility Item.
  8. In the utility item list that appears, search for Open CTI Softphone, or just select it.
  9. Set the following values for the utility item properties that appear:

    • Label: 8x8 VO
    • Panel Width: 200
    • Panel Height: 600
    • Start Automatically: Enabled

  10. Save your utility item properties.
  11. Click the Navigation Items tab.
  12. From the list on the left, select the following navigation items. After you select each item, click the right arrow icon to move the item to the list on the right:

    • Accounts
    • Cases
    • Contacts
    • Leads
    • Opportunities
    • Tasks

  13. Save your navigation items.
  14. Click the User Profiles tab.
  15. From the list on the left, select all user profiles. After you select each item, click the right arrow icon to move the item to the list on the right.
  16. Save your user profiles.
  17. If the app does not display, open the Salesforce app launcher in the header.
  18. From the app launcher, click the app icon that you defined when editing the app details and branding settings; it should appear as it was configured in Step 5.

    The app launches; click the 8x8 VO icon at the bottom of your window to open the application panel.

Additional Information

Information from Salesforce about Lightning: