Determine Contact Record Preview

8x8 Virtual Office for NetSuite takes the inbound phone number from the calling party and compares it to Contacts within the NetSuite instance. When a match is found, the contact detail record pops up, providing the employee with information about who is calling, and presents interaction history with that contact. This process is commonly referred to as Screen Pop.

Note: 8x8 integration supports phone numbers stored in the Main Phone, Office Phone, and Mobile Phone fields only.

To set up screen pop:

  1. Go to Menu > Settings.
  2. Under Behavior, you can choose to:
    • View a screen pop when an inbound call is still ringing, or once you accept it.
    • View a screen pop in a new tab or a new window.
    • View a screen pop for a second incoming call while you are an existing call.
    • View a screen pop of your recent call history.
    • View a screen pop when you make an outbound call.
    • Be able to answer an incoming Virtual Office for NetSuite call via your desk phone.

Note: Depending on your browser settings, you may need to enable pop-ups for the app window in order to see screen pop records.

Note: Currently, the integration does not pop entities within NetSuite such as Leads, Accounts, Suppliers, etc. However, if a contact is associated with an entity, it will be visible to an employee within the contact record.