Note:This version of the integration is no longer supported. For the latest version of this guide, see 8x8 Integration for Microsoft Dynamics Administrators.

Integrations frequently asked questions

Check out the following questions that are frequently asked by our customers, and our responses for them.

How do I clear the browser cache?

The first step in the troubleshooting procedure is to clear your browser cache. Follow the procedure below for the Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome browsers:

How do I allow pop-up browser windows?

Ensure that browsers are set to allow pop-ups. To check whether your browser allows pop-ups from 8x8, place an inbound call to the agent on 8x8 Agent Console.

How do I add URLs as trusted domains?

Check with your IT administrator to see if your company has blocked the URL domain for the 8x8 cluster. Your company's IT department may have configured the router or changed the registry to block some websites. If so, you must allow or add the URL domain that has your 8x8 Contact Center tenant (such as to access the 8x8 URL domain.

If you have configured Internet Explorer to restrict some websites locally, follow the instructions below to remove the restriction.