Supervisors: monitor and track SMS interaction metrics

8x8 Contact Center supervisors can monitor traffic in chat queues, which handle SMS interactions. From the Supervisor Console, go to Menu > Monitoring. Under Queue Monitoring, check out the number of interactions entered, accepted, rejected, or abandoned by an agent for each queue, including the chat queue that processes SMS interactions. This data is available in real time, for the past 30 minutes, and for the day.

In the 8x8 Contact Center Analytics application, you can track historical data for SMS interactions based on queues and agents.

  • In the Queue dashboard: Select a specific chat queue for SMS interactions and track the number of interactions entered, accepted, or abandoned in the queue.
  • In the Agent Performance dashboard: Select a specific chat queue for SMS interactions and track the number of interactions offered, accepted, or rejected by each agent serving the queue.


SMS interactions are available via our Call Recordings and Chat Transcripts API.