Configure a wallboard

8x8 Contact Center administrators configure Wallboards in 8x8 Configuration Manager.

Configuring an 8x8 Contact Center Wallboard involves:

  • Defining wallboard general properties.
  • Specifying desired metrics.
  • Defining thresholds for better supervision (optional).
  • Selecting skills/queues for which you need metrics.

Once configured, you can run a wallboard with a simple click. Typically, a contact center monitors critical data on agent status.

Setting up an 8x8 Wallboard is simple and quick. Determine the key metrics for your business, select the data from the readily-available stats or define custom stats, and run the wallboard. With just a few clicks, you are on your way to monitor your contact center performance in real time.

Set up a wallboard

To set up a wallboard:

  1. From the Configuration Menu, open Wallboard.
  2. Click or Wallboard.
  3. Go to the General tab.
  4. Enter a Name and Description for the wallboard.
  5. Select the desired time zone from the Time Zone drop-down list.
  6. Click Save to open the Fields tab.
    The current time of the selected time zone appears on the top-right corner of the wallboard.

    The GMT-6 Central visible at the bottom indicates the selected time zone.

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