Run the Command Line Version of the 8x8 Network Utility for Windows

The 8x8 Network Utility can also be run from a command line in the DOS window. When tests are completed from the command line, they are automatically sent to 8x8.
To install, open DOS, and navigate to where you unzipped the 8x8 Network Utility files. Launch the utility using the following format for adding the required switches:

8x8NetUtil.exe [/K:key /C:company] [/I:site-identifier] [/T:test-flags] [/N:repeat-count | /D:repeat-duration] [/S:silent-mode] [/O:output-path] [/A:accept-terms-and-conditions] [/F:force-interface] [/P:profile]

To view the help screen, run the utility with /?:help.

Running the 8x8NetUtil command with no command line switches runs all tests once, using the previously activation code and site identifier (if entered). Otherwise, the test fails and displays a notification that the utility has not been activated.

Use Command Switches

The command line version of the 8x8 Network Utility is controlled via command switches and test flags:

If you run the command line without first accepting the terms and conditions from the GUI, you are prompted on the first instance to accept the terms and conditions. Simply enter <Y> in the command line to accept. The terms and conditions can also be accepted automatically by including /A:1 in the command line.

Run the Baseline Test via Command Line

The following example uses the key <abc1234def456>, the company name <CompanyName>, the site identifier <branch23>, runs all tests only one time, automatically accepts the terms and conditions, and sends the results to 8x8:

8x8NetUtil.exe /K:abc1234def456 /C:CompanyName /I:branch23 /P:"Baseline" /S:1 /A:1

If you must use spaces (not recommended), use quotes where needed:

8x8NetUtil.exe /K:abc1234def456 /C:“Company Name” /I:“branch 23” /P:"Baseline" /S:1 /A:1

Run the Monitor Test via Command Line

The following example uses the key <abc1234def456>, the company name <CompanyName>, the site identifier <branch23>, runs only the media test 250 times silently (invisibly), automatically accepts the terms and conditions, and sends the results to 8x8:

8x8NetUtil.exe /K:abc12def456 /C:CompanyName /I:branch23 /P:"Monitor" /S:1 /A:1

If you must use spaces (not recommended), use quotes where needed:

8x8NetUtil.exe /K:abc12def456 /C:“My Name” /I:“branch 23” /P:"Monitor" /S:1 /A:1