Queue Dashboard

This dashboard clarifies the customer demand and experience in the queues with an extra focus on traffic volume, SLA %, and queue abandonment. The Queue Dashboard provides an activity summary of each queue during a specified time range. It includes the number of calls that entered queues, calls answered, SLA %, average handled time, maximum waiting time, and more.

A contact center manager wants to understand and compare performance of a select set of queues based on a standard set of KPIs, with a focus on comparable volume, service level, and good and bad KPI trends.

Top Row KPIs: KPI Sparkline

The Sparkline charts offer easy-to-see measures for the top seven KPIs measuring queue group/queue performance.

Metrics in blue are in a good range, while metrics in red can indicate a problem. Green is above 80%, and yellow is between 60% and 80%.

Volume and Service Bubble Chart

This chart visually represents the call volume against the service level. Service level ensures timely attendance of interactions in the queue. The higher the SLA, the better the queue performance, and vice versa. Each bubble represents a queue in the chart, and the size of the bubble represents the volume of calls that entered the queue.

Using the chart, you can compare the performance of various queues based on interaction volume, SLA %, and Abandon %. Bubbles in the lower-right corner indicate the worst service level and highest abandon percentage. The goal is to service queues with a low abandon rate and high service level.

Hovering over a bubble shows metrics for the specific queue-bubbles.

Interaction Volume Table

This table breaks down metrics on queue volume and performance for each queue.

The following metrics are available for each queue:

Service Heat Maps

The Queue Dashboard offers two heat maps that allow a contact center manager to compare the same set of queues using differing sets of metrics (desirable and undesirable), and how the queues trended over time.


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